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pilot Item/Character Duplication Bug

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Date/Time:may 27th 2012

What happened:the game spawned a clone of me with all my gear, that did not count as a kill or murder, and allowed my friend to get a duplicate coyote backpack

Where you were:in Berezino minimart next to hospital

What you were doing: I switched between the Ghillie Suit Skin and the Camoflage Skin, no changing back to civilian, after the third time I did this we heard a swimming noise and there was another me floating in the floor in the swim animation wearing the skin I had just changed out of. My friend and I opted to fix the bug the professional way so I left the server while he shot nega-me and came back and looted my own corpse.

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: Bashurverse 2

*Timeline of events before/after error: Went to hospital then read that skins spawn in residential areas so we hit up minimarts looking, eventually found two and we were trying to decide who should wear what.

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Seems this bug is still around, or at least something similar.

Date/Time: 19th June 2012, 1am (BST)

What happened: Refilled my water canteens at a pump, switched to camo clothing i had in backpack then found myself in the sea with no land in sight, moved a bit and was back where i had been in front of the water pump swimming in the floor with 2 other people standing in front of the pump. Clipped back and forth between and land and sea a bit then ended up back where i started with the 2 other ppl still there. Shot them for safety (registered as Unknown under my cursor) and discovered they had exact same equipment as me and were in camo clothing, but had different skins. Also my skin changed.

Where you were: In a town (with un-enterable church) overlooked by a walled farm compound with a water pump. Not sure exactly where.

What you were doing: Equipping camo clothing.

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: Can't remember :/

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