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Starting a small, proper squad.

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EDIT: No longer looking for players.

Edited by CyberTyrant
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I'm willing to join you, I'd like to take part as the support role :) I'm 18 years old, not a beasty ass voice but certainly not annoying. Added on Skype :)

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Hey mate, Im 16 (not sure if you'll let me play, im mature, had about a month of day experince and have lasted about 1 week in dayz, i do have a mic, i have skype, steam and TS3, im a okay sniper but im a really good Surpport and spotter, i know alot of spawn locations and general tactial spots

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This sounds like a perfect fit for me, I sent you friend requests on Steam/Skype. ;)

About me


Age: 22

Gender: Male

Location: Dallas, USA

Timezone: Central (GMT -6)

Availability: Pretty much anytime for now as well, college starts back up in Sept., but I'll definitely still be playing and if we schedule times in advance I'll make it happen.

Role: I'm a teamplayer first and foremost, and I truly mean that. I'll take/fill any position needed and will do my best to adjust based on the squad's personality/playstyle. I've played competitive FPS games for money going all the way back to 2004 CS 1.6, so rest assured the ability is there - including the intelligence.

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About me:

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Location: Chicago, IL, USA

Timezone: Central (GMT -6)

Availability: Anytime

Role: any role

EDIT: I have Skype, Vent, and TS3

Edited by number7dayz

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Hey man, I'm 19 y/o and I like to fit out the sniper role in the game as I do have a few saved up at camp, I'm usually on a few times a week my time zone is EST, and I really like to have fun in the game, hit me up on here with a pm, and I'll get back to you asap !

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Hey, I'm still sort of new to dayz. I've been playing about a week now and I have the controls and gameplay down pretty well.

I'm 25, male, and live in Missori

I usually get on about 4pm cst and play for a couple hours during the week as well as a couple hours at 930pm or 10. I play on the weekends mostly if I don't have a lot of house work to do.

I'm really looking for a squad to have a little more fun playing this game. I can fill whatever role I'm needed in.

Currently I have to start a new character since I was killed by bandits while I was looking at a map on a website. Couple of motorcycle bandits found me laying in a bush and I got back to my controls right when they were on top of me.

Message me If your interested and I'll try to reach you on Skype when I get home for lunch.

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im interested in the support position, I'm 17 (18) in a few months, and pretty mature when it comes to this game.

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I'll take any role including one you forgot! Medic :P

Age: 19

steam: Professor Chaos


also have skype and everything else

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