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Wrath (DayZ)

'Mulluka' - Hacker on NZ 03 today.

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So this morning we were treated to an entire server nuke. 20 odd people dead.

Afterwards, everyone quit.

Me and my friend then reconnected, the only other player was Mulluka. He would teleport in front of us, shoot us. Then log out.

We thought he was gone for good, when all of a sudden there is a person in front of us once again as we we're driving north. Once again, shot at us, missed. We got out and pumped about 30 rounds into him dead centre with no effect. We disconnected, and sure enough, he followed. I made sure I watched the server list very closely and would say without a single doubt that this player is the hacker. Its not possible to be anyone else.

He was the only other person on the server. I don't have screenshots / video evidence, but if it possible to look into this player, I'm sure you will see a few discrepancies that will show you the truth.

I'm not sure anything on this forum is actually followed up, but I'm posting anyway even though it may be in vain.

Edited by Wrath

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