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A good death!

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So, I was looting the military camp in Stary Sobor, a bug made me loose my backpack inventory items when I changed it for another, so I had a single can of sardines left.

I log out and come back some time later, it is now dark.

My thirst and hunger is maxed, I need to drink and eat.

No more food, I lose connection to the server, I rejoin a new one.

Again the same, need more food and water, but i have no more food!

I scramble for a completly empty Stary Sobor, not a single Z in the whole region (loot broken?).

I try to scavenge the military camp again, no luck.

Bolting it to the shop, blood still holding. I search for a good 5 minutes, then my blood starts going down.

I sit and think for a moment what to do, leave the server? Maybe the loot system is broken, not a single Z anywhere. Then all of a sudden!

A stranger walks in the shop, not seeing me, I make a quick decision, I point my AKM right at his head, and empty 10 bullets right into him. He drops dead right then and there (overkill much, it was nearly point blank)

I quickly search the body, afraid he might not have been alone, or I had attracted some unwanted attention. A SODA?! A FREAKING SODA IS ALL YOU HAVE?!

Fuck, I have to move again, or I will starve. Sprinting back to the military camp and BAAAM

A bullet strikes my leg and breaks it. I don't fall over, I keep running for the trees.

I manage to get to safety, I bandage, painkiller and morphine up. Still starving, I am slowly loosing my last 2K blood. Paranoid I lie still, hoping someone to walk up and get the remaining 20 bullets in my AKM, but no luck. I have to walk back down to the military camp if I am to survive.

Still no luck, nothing has spawned.

The chat announces the guy who shot me, Obsidian. He was amazed I survived the shot, from his trusty M24. But I told him I was still starving.

"I am going to the church to repent, before I die" I say to Obsidian, and that he can have my items, his bullet was not spend in vain.

"I will not shot you Slim, A bandit with humor, I am glad the first bullet did not kill you."

I am passing out while I try to get to the church... multiple times.

I finaly get there, Light a flare right at the spot I am standing.

Trying to get in the church FREAKING SUNDAYS! It was closed, I pass out.

Wake up with 50 blood left, I fire my last 20 bullets from my AKM, and drops dead right on my flare.

It was a good death!

Even with such a sad ending for my most successfull char so far. MAN was that ending awesome!

Sorry for the clusterfuck to everone who actually reads it! haha

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Hehe, I guess trusting someone who just shot someone else is not in his nature.. Very smart ;)

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