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Using Six Launcher - Question/Problem

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I use the SIX Launcher and I've had no problems with it until yesterday. I see a lot of people including myself complaining about being unable to join servers, being stuck at a 'Loading' screen and other things. In the SIX Launcher it lists DayZ as version rather than the newly released I am unable to figure out how to update DayZ using the SIX Launcher or Updater if it is even possible or if it is even the cause of the issue. Is this normal for other people to not have version in the SIX Launcher?

The second thing I wanted to ask about (please bear with me) only started today: The very odd time I am actually able to spawn on a server the game performs extremely poorly. I get what I would estimate to be about one frame per second. I honestly have no idea why this is happening and like I said the first issue started yesterday and this second one today.

If anyone can help me out I would really, really appreciate it.


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Download DayZCommander. You can upgrade, log into server, filter servers, and a few other things with it. It's basically the new Six Launcher. http://www.dayzcommander.com/

Scroll down to the bottom and click Get DayZ Commander

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I should've probably told you, once you install it....click on the Versions button on the top. Then update everything that is out of date. It's easy.

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The new patch isnt "officially" out due to needing more testing, so it wasnt seeded to six launcher yet. I know you can get it via DayzCommander, and I think six's new project (play with six i think?), has a new feature to let you use experimental patches.

So basically SIX will load up what it thinks is the current version (, even if you have manually patched to

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SIX Launcher is not serving because it's not a stable patch and Rocket asked us to NOT serve it to the people. It's on purpose like this.

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Thank you all very much :) That was very helpful, I'll check out dayzcommander tonight at some point :)

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