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Dayz commander question

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Just downloaded Dayz Commander.. awesome tool by the way, but my problem is, is that I cannot play after I updated to the latest version It says I have a bad version. Anyone else getting this?

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hmmm.. You are talking about updating from to .5 im guessing. And this is the first update you've done with DayZ Commander..

I dont know man, Maybe try reinstalling DayZ Commander. manually updating patch. I've not had a problem but i've only been using it for a few days as well.

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The thing is Idk what could have gone wrong because I played on a couple server to try it out before friends got on, and those worked fine.

Anyway hope it gets fixed thanks for the help Chief

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If you updated to the latest Arma2 Beta 95948, you won't be able to join some servers. It depends on the server settings I believe, some servers with older Arma2 Beta patches, you'll be able to join. Some of them will boot you out of the game for bad version.

If you don't have a set server you play on, on the left side of Dayz Commander, Check the 2 boxes to Hide Wrong Dayz and Arma2 versions, and you should be able to join those servers for sure.

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Ya Idk I think it was just a server issue because Im able to join some but others with the same version number for both arma 2 and Dayz im unable to join so Idk. Thanks for the help

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Im still having the problem.. So I guessing I'm going to have to delete all of the local files and steam files then reinstall through steam. I have no idea what can be the problem.

Will update if it gets fixed

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