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Mother trucker! No one is friendly ever in game!

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I understand where the OP is coming from, but if I can give my two cents, the culture of DayZ is undergoing a change.

My Proof. Soon, we will have servers that are actively policed by military clans. On these servers, you can find Freeside Trading Company outposts that will allow you to trade for equipment. You can also request medical assistance from the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland.

There are friendlies out there, you just have to know where to look. DayZ is not a free for all PvP. The culture is changing. Help us change it.

Edited by Dr Wasteland MD
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"Friendly servers" are a horrible idea...That would simply give all these "assholes" (Who's play-style is just as justified as yours, might I add...seeing as how a big aspect of the game is moral choices, and choosing your own path.) a place to go to calmly farm all the best loot spawns then go to a non-friendly server and murder until they die, then repeat. I question the appeal /challenge of a zombie MMO (in which the zombies are just short of retarded, might I add) What would be the purpose? You sit there for hours just tucked away in the woods...surviving? That sounds akin to watching paint dry. A bit aspect of this game is PVP, and it's all meant to be based in realism...zeds aside. The post-apocalypse would not be a friendly, trusting place where everyone works together, holds hands, and sings songs around the camp fire at night.

It would be man against man in the fight for survival. In the words of Thomas Hobbes, life would be "solitary, nasty, brutish, and short.".

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Me and my team was friendly (we met guy in czerno, near military base (next to hospital) it was 3 vs 1, we had 2 automatic rifles, we didnt shoot, he wanted to trade, so we were like "ok dud, we dont need anything, just raided hospital need any medicines?" we split up with guy we found, and later got killed by hacker and his friend (his friend had no luck, got headshotted) so now probably, i will shoot anyone in my sight. Or, if they dont have a gun, i will try to recruit them into my team :]

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You're going to get shot on sight in elektro, just face it. Get in & out as quickly as possible if you must go to elektro.

He has a point. I'm generally friendly but I saw 2 relatively new spawns in Elektro today, one had a pistol and had at least 20 zombies chasing him, his friend or some strange man was following the zombie horde. Needless to say as soon as they turned in my direction, I shot each of them in the leg and hightailed.

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@Zooks you obviously didn't read everything I posted. I said yes, in the standalone version there should be friendly only servers. BUT you should have different characters for different types of servers that way it wouldnt transfer over to PvP servers. Then you would NOT get those assholes that would simply camp loot spawns In a friendly server just to go kill others on PvP servers.

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Me and my squad are friendly, unless you shoot at us. Been playing since the end of may and all of us got 6-9 kill each. Now that we got all the high end gear we just do trading and gives beans to people who need it.

I think im gonna try out as a wasteland medic medic, seems fun helping people.

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DayZ is not another zombie infection first person shooter. It's a mind fucking simulation. It pulls you into a extremely realistic infection simulation. Shit, dayZ is as realistic as it gets. Just imagine you are in a broken world, there are few survivors, low amounts of food, and infected people everywhere.

Good thing it happened in America (albeit with a lot of Russki signs), because, you know, I leave my guns and glow sticks on the ground, out in the shed, etc.

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