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Hacker on US 1576 Regular Hosted by Maev + sRf

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Hey there,

I was on your server about 15 minutes ago and got killed by what I asume to be some hackers.

Two were playing next to eachother, one named Jake, I couldn't catch the other one before he disappeared.

Anyways, they were in open field, shooting at zombies, I started to shoot them at a distance on a hill.

They both disappeared, after taking about 4~ hits, I assumed they had Alt-F4'd but a second after they disappeared, I was shot with gunfire extremely loud, assuming they had teleported behind me/near me. Could also have been someone else, but I was in the area for 10-20 minutes with no one nearby the whole time so I doubt it.

This happened on Wednesday, August 15, 2012 @ approx 1:14 P.M. Pacific Time.

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