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In Car animation without a car

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Soo i was on a server and i found a car...as i got in i saw a survivor running toward me with a bizon SD so i quickly took off...after about 10 sec i got banned by the admin...aperantly that survivor who wanted the car wasthe admin.I joined another server and i spawn in the driving animation...but without a car,which means that i also cant move,what should i do?

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I'd say keep server hopping, specifically to servers not running your version of DayZ; that might trigger something. Best of luck!

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Try switching cloathes. You can also try clicking anything that does an action, like the " (on an American keyboard).

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got the same problem... switching clothes dosent help... cheater spawned left of my bus and played werid music (yes, he is spawned, i watched for my mates in his direction)... i was so shocked that im disconnected ^^

now im in the driving animation and stucked in the earth -.-

doing a fireplace - no result

switching clothes - no result

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