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I am sick to death, with the constant BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ that flies give out. It's not the dead player thing, its the bloody flies that keep wizzing past my ear. As I result of all these flies, my head hurts, I hate the sound of them wizzing past me ALL the time. My friend says its not as frequent for him, but its horribly frequent for me!

SO good people, I ask if there is a way to get rid of this nuisance? or reduce or anything!

Edited by Aspects

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Take your trash out.

Seriously though, check under audio options. :P

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That's how it is in reallife aswell so dont complain :)

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Either reduce the sound or find the audio file in your Arma II or OA folder and replace the file with a duplicate sound file that has no sound. that way when it starts playing the sound the game will play the new sound file and no sound is emitted.

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Legend Sylex, if this works you can have my BEANZ

Btw do you know where that file is?

Edited by Aspects

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Legend Sylex, if this works you can have my BEANZ

Btw do you know where that file is?

Sadly I do not, and while i'm at work I can not look through the Arma II files to find it, sorry.

Edit: By the way, i don't know if your client is bugged or not and constantly spamming the sound (Kind of sounds like this is the issue). However, if you just happen to be around a lot of dead players then I would not recommend geting rid of the sound file completely as it's supposed to be an indicator that a player died there and a bandit could be near by.

My recommendation is to either use a sound program and reduce the sound from the audio file so it's very feint, or replace the sound with a completely other sound that you don't mind, like birds chirping or maybe even strong winds for example.

Edited by Sylex
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Thanks for your help, if you could direct me on how to do this I would really really appreciate this.

I'm not near dead players, its that whizzing sound that they make when you run past them, its so annoying it happens every 10 seconds, and I have stopped playing the game because of it.

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Thanks for your help, if you could direct me on how to do this I would really really appreciate this.

I'm not near dead players, its that whizzing sound that they make when you run past them, its so annoying it happens every 10 seconds, and I have stopped playing the game because of it.

Well I can't direct you to where the sound file is located, maybe serach for "fly, flies, dead" might let you find it, you should be able to open the file and listen to it to make sure it's the right file.

Once you locate the file make a text document with the exact same name as the audio file. Make sure you have file extensions on (I'm going to assume the audio files are .mp3, but they could be something else). Once you have your text file made and file extensions on, delete the audio file and replace the ".txt" at the end of the text file with ".mp3". Or whatever the audio file sound ended with. Omitt any quotes. So it should look something like this "dead_players_flies.txt" which would turn into "dead_players_flies.mp3"

Edited by Sylex
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I wish I knew the file, I cant find it anywhere :S

it wont let me listen to the files because they are pbo files and bjec or something, not mp3. idk how to listen to them really lol

Edited by Aspects

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It's okay guys I got this, Aspects, known to a select few as Amir, there is nothing wrong with your game, or your sound files. For some godforsaken reason you decided to tune in on the sound of flies in this game, making out that you were constantly harassed by them.

However this is not the case... With all your jibber jabber about flies you made me notice them more than usual, you attuned my ears to the sound of those tiny insects, therefore making me briefly go a little insane. If we didn't get preoccupied by the boat situation I don't know what I would have done. The evidence that lies before us demonstrates that not only do you apparently notice the tiniest of sounds more than anyone else, but you wage war against them threatening to remove their very existence in your sound files. You act as if the very room you sit in is some sort of hive for insects, as if your ears began to bleed and your brain melt.

But no. All what it was, was you being a very, very silly person.


Completely Anonymous Person

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