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drzli killed in debug forest

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Date/Time: 28.05.2012/22:15 GMT+1

What happened: Friend and me killed in debug forest while waiting for server response and character data from server

Where you were: Still loading, not ingame

What you were doing: Waiting for server response

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: DE4

*Your system specs: irrelevant

*Timeline of events before/after error: We were trying to get ingame and on DE4 while waiting for character data to be transferred to server I read message in chat "Dr.Zli was killed by Alex (friendly fire)" and "Opacky was killed by Alex (friendly fire)". Upon receiving data, I was stuck on an empty hill seemingly dead, among numerous other bodies while some characters were running around in the distance. We both saw this and disconnected. I tried to grab a pic with prntscr but it only captured my desktop :(

Upon connecting to other servers we found that my character was ok (dr.zli) but my friends char (opacky) was missing his primary weapon (ak-74) which was probably looted from him in the "debug forest".

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