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KOS will always be a "problem" and this is why

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There is about a good 15 of us on our own server. We all play together and are always in teamspeak when playing.

The reason why KOS will always be a "problem" is this.

We have our OWN server with a big base camp around Cherno. I role play as the sheriff of Cherno. I'm out to protect my guys and keep non members away from Cherno. Whoever is not us is killed. So all the complaints about KOS are just a waste of breath. Add all the humanity you want, we aren't friendly to anyone who isn't us. I know we cant be the only group doing this. Therefor the "problem" will always be there, and as far as I'm concerned there is no problem.

These forums almost suck with the amount of complaints that are posted. Its hardly ever constructive criticism. They only things negative I have to say about this game are gameplay problems that in time will be fixed. Yes I've had my head stuck in a doorway and bleed out. No need to post about it, cry about it, rage about it, or quit over it.

So Keep an eye out for the Sheriff of Cherno, and watch your back.

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lol @ the supposed 'problem'

so many people think it is just that, and that theres an issue with all the banditry, but currently there are not the mechanisms in place to easily meet up with randoms or people wanting to group up on the fly.

rocket has mentioned in many interviews how he would like to add these mechanisms but he's holding his cards close to his chest on that subject and many others. many politicians could learn a thing or two about thier job from dean because he's more vague about certain subjects and can skirt the issue with words, not actually answering the questions put to him.

Edited by RayPugh
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rocket has mentioned in many interviews how he would like to add these mechanisms but he's holding his cards close to his chest on that subject and many others. many politicians could learn a thing or two about thier job from dean because he's more vague about certain subjects and can skirt the issue with words, not actually answering the questions put to him.

It's also possible he's flying by the seat of his pants and has no idea what he's doing. Dream projects tend to go that way.

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I'll shoot the sherriff.

better not shoot the deputy

:damn too slow! hehe

Edited by RayPugh

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lol @ the supposed 'problem'

so many people think it is just that, and that theres an issue with all the banditry, but currently there are not the mechanisms in place to easily meet up with randoms or people wanting to group up on the fly.

rocket has mentioned in many interviews how he would like to add these mechanisms but he's holding his cards close to his chest on that subject and many others. many politicians could learn a thing or two about thier job from dean because he's more vague about certain subjects and can skirt the issue with words, not actually answering the questions put to him.

Dude, great reply. I'm enjoying just sitting back and playing the game just how it is. I look forward to the updates and watching the game grow. And yeah playing cards close to your chest is ALWAYS a smart move and makes updates more fun for me!

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It's also possible he's flying by the seat of his pants and has no idea what he's doing. Dream projects tend to go that way.

no doubt in some respects, but you just know he's holding some info back that would make half the community need to go change thier pants.

we want moar feedback Mr. Hall !

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I would like to see a perm bandit skin that changes to an even more aggressive looking skin the more kills you have. As of now I KOS any bandit skin I see. Any other depending on the situation I just hide and let them pass or I warn them verbally that I will shoot if they panic or do something I dont like. If they shoot first they better make sure Im dead because I will kill them.

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no doubt in some respects, but you just know he's holding some info back that would make half the community need to go change thier pants.

we want moar feedback Mr. Hall !

Pulling Base Building out of ACE mod or whichever one it's in would be a total game changer. Imagine if instead of farting around in Cherno PVP in DayZ was stalking the north country looking for player built and defended strongholds, complete with solid cover, carports, tents etc.

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I really do enjoy helping people, but more often then not I've been shot.

There was some guy running from zomboooooooos one day and I asked him if he needed help. I shot the Zombies off him and asked him if he was friendly. He shoots me dead and says "nope."

That's when I stopped asking people if they are friendly or foe.

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Dude, great reply. I'm enjoying just sitting back and playing the game just how it is. I look forward to the updates and watching the game grow. And yeah playing cards close to your chest is ALWAYS a smart move and makes updates more fun for me!

why thankyou sir!

its refreshing to see this thread, I thought it would be a wash with shed tears of one overwhelmed by bandity by its title. so many ppl have the other perspective its bored me to tears and I usually jump on them like a trampoline for thread repatition, and care-bear-y-ness.

just noticed your name/avatar, tis very cool.

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Pulling Base Building out of ACE mod or whichever one it's in would be a total game changer. Imagine if instead of farting around in Cherno PVP in DayZ was stalking the north country looking for player built and defended strongholds, complete with solid cover, carports, tents etc.

That's what I've done in Cherno. Barbed wire, tank traps, sand bags. Its a whole little city that we call use. I've heard that there are plans for more what you're talking about in the future.

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You call your self a sheriff, yet you kill innocent people who may be looking for protection or even a group...... you don't deserve the title :P

Edited by Orthus

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He's a regular Joe Arpaio.

Edited by sp86
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There is about a good 15 of us on our own server. We all play together and are always in teamspeak when playing.

The reason why KOS will always be a "problem" is this.

We have our OWN server with a big base camp around Cherno. I role play as the sheriff of Cherno. I'm out to protect my guys and keep non members away from Cherno. Whoever is not us is killed. So all the complaints about KOS are just a waste of breath. Add all the humanity you want, we aren't friendly to anyone who isn't us. I know we cant be the only group doing this. Therefor the "problem" will always be there, and as far as I'm concerned there is no problem.

These forums almost suck with the amount of complaints that are posted. Its hardly ever constructive criticism. They only things negative I have to say about this game are gameplay problems that in time will be fixed. Yes I've had my head stuck in a doorway and bleed out. No need to post about it, cry about it, rage about it, or quit over it.

So Keep an eye out for the Sheriff of Cherno, and watch your back.

We have a simliar setup, not in Cherno, but a base camp so to speak that isnt in the woods. We do not KoS, but that is our choice. Does that mean KoS is a problem? Hell no, its a way of life for the giving and receiving ends. Play how you want, rule Chernarus as you see fit.

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KoS, is there because I don't know if you are a hacker, backstabbing swine, Bronie (ugh), or any other form of scumbag... and frankly I don't want to know, With luck, the only contact with me, will be my dmr round contacting the back of your skull through the bridge of your nose <3 :)

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We have a simliar setup, not in Cherno, but a base camp so to speak that isnt in the woods. We do not KoS, but that is our choice. Does that mean KoS is a problem? Hell no, its a way of life for the giving and receiving ends. Play how you want, rule Chernarus as you see fit.

See, I still haven't figured out a good safe way to contact people. I get more of a rush safely finding and helping people then I do hunting. In time, I would like to play more like your style, but as of now I'm holding it down in Cherno.

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There is about a good 15 of us on our own server. We all play together and are always in teamspeak when playing.

The reason why KOS will always be a "problem" is this.

We have our OWN server with a big base camp around Cherno. I role play as the sheriff of Cherno. I'm out to protect my guys and keep non members away from Cherno. Whoever is not us is killed. So all the complaints about KOS are just a waste of breath. Add all the humanity you want, we aren't friendly to anyone who isn't us. I know we cant be the only group doing this. Therefor the "problem" will always be there, and as far as I'm concerned there is no problem.

These forums almost suck with the amount of complaints that are posted. Its hardly ever constructive criticism. They only things negative I have to say about this game are gameplay problems that in time will be fixed. Yes I've had my head stuck in a doorway and bleed out. No need to post about it, cry about it, rage about it, or quit over it.

So Keep an eye out for the Sheriff of Cherno, and watch your back.


I have no what you are talking about. But it is pretty obvious you ate new here. So let me educate you. The problem of KOS isn't that a small group of RP sheriff scrubs kill everyone they see. Its that every one kills everyone. This was not a problem back when there was the bandit skin, survivors generally worked together did not kill on sight and would actively hunt bandits. If a survivor did kill a another survivor they became a bandit and would be hunted. Playing a bandit was risky because so many people would KOS you. Where aa survivor would be asked if hewas friendly or not and more oftenthan not he was.

A little clan that no one cares about is not the issue.

Edited by Kithuni
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You're not factoring in the playing experience of those without a clan or large group. Obviously it's not a problem for you, because you have back up. Even if you die, I'm sure a lot of people have contributed to your camps to restock on gear and weapons without having to take the same risks that solo players and small groups deal with. I'm not knocking your play style, but why try speak for the community that there isn't a problem with KOS when your play style rarely encounters it? It's a valid complaint, but still part of the game. Only the community can change it, so if there are a lot of turds playing the game, a lot of people just trying to find a coke and can of beans is going to get a NW airfield's trip worth of AS50 bullets put into their back.

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You're not factoring in the playing experience of those without a clan or large group. Obviously it's not a problem for you, because you have back up. Even if you die, I'm sure a lot of people have contributed to your camps to restock on gear and weapons without having to take the same risks that solo players and small groups deal with. I'm not knocking your play style, but why try speak for the community that there isn't a problem with KOS when your play style rarely encounters it? It's a valid complaint, but still part of the game. Only the community can change it, so if there are a lot of turds playing the game, a lot of people just trying to find a coke and can of beans is going to get a NW airfield's trip worth of AS50 bullets put into their back.

That's basically why I don't shoot people. If I'm not a dick, maybe the guy I'm not a dick to will be less of a dick in the future, and so on and so forth.

And that, basically, is why I get shot in the face a lot.

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KOS isn't a 'problem'.. it's part of DayZ and always will be, it's how people react when they see other people in an apocalypse.

According to whom?

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I really do enjoy helping people, but more often then not I've been shot.

There was some guy running from zomboooooooos one day and I asked him if he needed help. I shot the Zombies off him and asked him if he was friendly. He shoots me dead and says "nope."

That's when I stopped asking people if they are friendly or foe.

Only help people when you are in a position of control. Gotta be tough with your love.

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