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Experiences so far. + Searching for people which share my views.

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Hello folks.

First of all: I am not that new to DayZ, but I still am pretty noobish, especially because luck is not on my side.

I started to play this game roughly a month or two ago. At first I told myself that it wouldnt be too hard. Well thats until I finally played the game. I've seen a lot of videos and guides and tried to inform me, before diving headfirst into the world of DayZ.

My first problem I encountered were the controls. I am left-handed, thus I prefer to play with the arrow keys. So I had to remap the whole controls of the game, and then try to learn them. Which I can as of now.

When I started the game I tried to find a purpose for me to play this game. I challenged myself to get to the northern areas fully equipped, ready to roflstomp anyone who dares to stop me from achieving my goal, which consisted of conquering Petrovka and rule the map around the town. Build a Fort, and survive as long as I can.

Well, I didnt reach that far into north so far... Drozhino being the furtest I have ever accomplished.

I often died to other survivors, snipers, own failures (attacking zombies instead of running around them), dehydration or starvation. I still do a lot of mistakes. And what really bugs me: I have been shot more often, than killed by any other kind of danger.

By now I have thought over my tactics, and my behavior so far. I came to the conclusion that I am too kind. I once acquired a bus, and helped a person which was chased down by a horde of zombies, only to get killed. Another time I was running alongside a person which I helped to loot a building, only for him to hit me from behind with his axe... Thats when I started to change. I started to question motives and finally killed another survivor. And I felt guilty. A lot of you probably will tell me thats how it is, but honestly... I did feel bad about killing my companion. We didnt do a lot or talked, but we shared the loot and fought of zombies together. This all happened after I was sniped once again in front of Komarovo, and we both spawned in Kamenka. I knew he was going for Cherno, because he headed right along the coast. And I killed him, because I wanted to know how it felt like and preserving his equipment, because the sniper shot everyone on sight.

By now I set myself straight. I will never kill anyone anymore, besides bandits or other survivors who dare to attack me. I dislike unnecessary bloodshed, and I will regret every kill I perform, but I ask you:

Would you willingly stop the bloodshed? I dont understand people who seek out the newly spawned people to kill them. Its not like they have much of use on them... I restrained myself from killing people. No matter how (un)armed they are. As long as you dont shoot me, I will gladly walk away, to my destination. And if I turn my back to you, then I will trust you, even if you want to shoot me. But if you ever shoot me, I hope you will at least feel guilty, because you know that I was not aggressive or anything. You always say "As long as they do not attack me - I will not attack them". But mostly people kill me without any reason. I dont even have an axe and you kill me? What do you gain?

If there is anyone else like me - unwilling to kill people, instead trying to work together - join me. Let us be friends and keep eachother safe. If you want to play with me, tell me.

mfG iKevke, the last "I wont shoot any other survivor"-survivor.

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Well I am pretty new, would welcome someone to run around with. Just depends on if we are on at the same time.

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I always try to befriend people, and 98% of the time they shoot on site. While I love that aspect of the game, it would be nice if it were "easier" to meet people to play with.

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Well I am pretty new, would welcome someone to run around with. Just depends on if we are on at the same time.

Where are you from? I myself am from Germany.

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I am from the United States. I actually do not play a lot as I have 4 week old daughter that is limiting. But i play when i can.

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I only encountered I think 5 players I didn't know so far.

1st one was in my first live - I came out a building and just got shot, headshot, instadeath.

2nd one were rather 2 guys, I came across them with a friend and they opened fire. I managed to kill one of them, but the other guy hid in the woods and killed my friend, made me go unconscious, i paniced and alt f4d, still feel bad about it, that guy had deserved my loot.

3rd one were multiple guys, I still was with that friend, though in an other life, and meeting up with a 3rd guy. That guy was killed by them, he only had a hatchet... I then tried to avenge him, but its kinda hard to hit someone with an AK74s that is riding on a bike, and I didn't see the other guys. So we decided to change servers so we wouldn't also die.

The 4th one was in one of Elektros Firestations... I ran up the stairs, and up in the tower there was one guy looting the place. I think he started to ask me over Voice chat if I'm friendly, but I just paniced before I registered his voice and started shooting. I won the firefight, with him having a lee enfield and me an AK.

The 5th one was an unarmed player at the coast. I saw him running, asked him if he was friendly, he didn't react and just kept running. I've let him be.

I pretty much want to avoid unnecessary kills, and thus mostly ask friendly first, but if that guy is armed and looking at me, and doesn't respond, I'll shoot.

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First of all, I got to say: I would like a German companion, because he would be in my timezone + We could skype or TS while playing.

On behavior: "I pretty much want to avoid unnecessary kills, and thus mostly ask friendly first, but if that guy is armed and looking at me, and doesn't respond, I'll shoot." I would walk around them if possible, to look if their aim follows me, if they are still aiming, I will search for cover and then escape. If he shoots me, I will fight back.

My deaths:

- First time sniped while trying to prone into a town

- Second time went into a barn when zombies ran there, hoping to find friendly individuals, got shot on sight, while talking to them

- Third time sniped

- Fourth time sniped

- Fifth time me and my friend (IRL) met eachother and went to raid Elektro from north to south, then moving elsewhere, Ghilliesuit-Sniper killed him, then me.

- Backstabbed

- Seventh time trying to help someone escape from zombies, only for him to kill me.

- Scripters...

- A guy running around me three times, while I am prone, trying to get to a looting spot, then shooting me to death.

- Countless other deaths to people.

@ maniacmike above me: They deserve it = They endangered me or people I hold dear, therefor we need to defend ourselves.

Edited by iKevke

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ok, I'd should have specified that. I'm talking about that real cqb situations, with the distance of maximum one time across the lowest floor of a fire station. At further distances ppl mostly dont even notice me, I then just either keep Aiming at them if they are going roughly in my direction, or go away from them. But if I'm 2 m from somebody, and hes armed and has a weapon, then he looks up and towards me after I ask friendly, I don't think he wont shoot me, as he could just have answered first. Am from germany too, btw.

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Well I play from 9pm till bout 1/2am every night UK time.

So if that fits in with u give me a shout.

And yes that's what I mean when i say "if they deserve it."

Edited by Maniacmike

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I dislike unnecessary bloodshed, and I will regret every kill I perform, but I ask you:

Would you willingly stop the bloodshed?

This sounds a bit like those 'anti-violence' rallies they have in urban communities every time some kid is killed during a drive-by shooting. The whole 'community' comes out to 'stop the violence!' and then 10 minutes later its business as usual. People with guns shoot each other in an attempt to control resources. People without guns wail over the unnecessary violence. Nothing changes.

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