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Bandits and Mass Murderers. . . They hunger.

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Since there's no real drawbacks to bandits being bandits, unless the person your about to merc is less than 10m away from you (good job Rocket Nerf the funnest way to murder or be murdered!) the needs to be something. Something to make being a bandit a pain in the ass somewhat. Why not: "THE HUNGER" ?

Basically, because your killing 3-4+ people in the span of an hour (thus keeping your bandit skin) your beginning to enjoy it (much like the player does) so your toon gets it in their head that "hey, this isn't so bad. Hmm, sure am hungry..." So, the only way to satisfy this "hunger" is to kill a person, and get food off their corpse. Now I'm not suggesting cannibalism outright, however this does slow down "hill sniping" by making the player need to go down way more often in order to "harvest their hunt". This raises the skill floor and makes hunting other characters WAY more challenging. And isn't that what most bandits complain about in this game? Nothing to do once you kit up? Well now that you decided to kill people your gonna have to keep doing it.

And if a person wants to stop with it they could, If they just cold turkey being a murderer till they get their humanity back up to what it'd need to be to be a normal survivor. And deal with possible side effects of starving themselves of hunting.

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however this does slow down "hill sniping" by making the player need to go down way more often in order to "harvest their hunt". This raises the skill floor and makes hunting other characters WAY more challenging.

i like that part. but you could achieve that way more bandit-like:

why not increase the amount of humanity lost per murder without searching the corpse?

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I like for there to be some disadvantage to killing another player so it make you have to make yet another hard decision. Is the death worth it or just for fun?

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hmm, maybe no, but maybe making the bandit "addicted" to killing can make "withdrawal" so, if certain player kills like 3 people per day, he needs that number to get "high" thus making him a little better at shooting and if he ends up killing a decent amount of people in a single life or day, the number to get high again would get slowly bigger, and while they havent reached their daily quota they can shoot a little worse.

The only problem here is that people can end up killig lots of people and getting super focused on PVP, thus ending up in a super deathmatch. For going too much against pvp but trying to think that they must be "rewarded" for their "hard work" too can be a little troublesome, and as designer, we have to think which of the two public, the pvp or non, who will we put more weigh on?

Well, since rocket hasnt showed us the briefing of the project nor the GDP we have only to guess by his speeches that he will focus on groups, whichever side they are

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I thought all the QQ would stop after bandit skins were introduced, it was all the carebears needed, to have labels drawn on other characters so they knew who to shoot at.

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I thought all the QQ would stop after bandit skins were introduced, it was all the carebears needed, to have labels drawn on other characters so they knew who to shoot at.

Rocket wants the game to be a psychological experiment, but it currently doesn't have enough elements to simulate the high risk of choosing a life of banditry, even in a post apocalyptic world. You can be a senseless killer... if you get killed, no problem, respawn, find more guns and repeat.

Until the standalone is released with features that allow for more community and fortification building and generally simulating the rebuilding of civilization, features that actually makes banditry difficult, there needs to be something in place to prevent the game descending into a PvP deathmatch. There's plenty of other games out there to satisfy the trigger happy FPS crowd.

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I think "hunger" is a synthetic solution. Rocket said he wouldn't judge bandits.

I would like another way to slow down "hill sniping" by making the player need to go down way more often.

pic related:


It would be really badass to сut off ears\fingers from your victims' corpse.

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Rocket wants the game to be a psychological experiment, but it currently doesn't have enough elements to simulate the high risk of choosing a life of banditry, even in a post apocalyptic world. You can be a senseless killer... if you get killed, no problem, respawn, find more guns and repeat.

Until the standalone is released with features that allow for more community and fortification building and generally simulating the rebuilding of civilization, features that actually makes banditry difficult, there needs to be something in place to prevent the game descending into a PvP deathmatch. There's plenty of other games out there to satisfy the trigger happy FPS crowd.

It already has all the elements to simulate the high risks of a life of banditry, other players are able to pick up weapons and shoot back.

I agree that the features you reference are needed to provide more mid/late game content to keep well geared groups from simply pvp'n each other/noobs. Eventually in any scenario with however much content people will "thrive" instead of survive and at that point they will turn to making sure the have not's do not become the have's. It's how groups work, if your not part of the group your part of the competition.

The fundemental issues that cause/allow people to simply pvp or camp in chern/elec need to be addressed instead of punishing play styles or actions. There is infinite gear, no environmental threat, your character has no value outside their gear, and there is nothing to do. This is what causes pvp/DM, and what needs to be fixed rather than nerfing actions/play styles.

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like vampires? i don't like it.. and it would increase KOS and PKing (banditry is about looting).

being a bandit is not about looting allot of bandits sit on top of a hill with an as50 and kill everyone who walks by with out ever checking the bodies. how many fully armed dead people do you find at north air field

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The game mechanics need to change to give people a reason to not kill mindlessly, instead of punishing players for their play style create something that enforces team play and a sense of constant improvement and exploration. Only a handful of people snipe others for the sake of their gear aka. Bandit, most of the other 1000s of snipers are just geared up players bored with nothing to do with good 400+ zombie kills under their belt.

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Dont realy like the idea of annoying vampire, the twillight movies made them allready anoying enough. It would be better solved when the killing of other people itself doesnt count as points but to get them bandits have to kill survivers and then steal their dogtags or something like that.

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It already has all the elements to simulate the high risks of a life of banditry, other players are able to pick up weapons and shoot back.

Well that's not a high enough simulation though, because dying is no big deal... it doesn't take long to get back to where you were. In reality you only have one life, which is what will cause most people in such a situation to organize together for safety and efficiency; it's instinct. Therefore the life of a bandit would involve very high risk for a small reward: they can't take on the large organized communes, so they would have to try and ambush individuals who are out foraging. If they do that then the communes would track them down and kill them, after torture.

I agree that after getting to a certain level of capability you simply run out of things to do, so a minority will just resort to griefing other players. But I think the mod is limited by the capabilities of the ARMA engine, so it can't really add all those other higher level features. Nor can it fix the duplication bugs and hacking that are the source of all the easy to access high level gear. That's why I was saying only the standalone can really fix it without punishing bandits.

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Well that's not a high enough simulation though, because dying is no big deal... it doesn't take long to get back to where you were. In reality you only have one life, which is what will cause most people in such a situation to organize together for safety and efficiency; it's instinct. Therefore the life of a bandit would involve very high risk for a small reward: they can't take on the large organized communes, so they would have to try and ambush individuals who are out foraging. If they do that then the communes would track them down and kill them, after torture.

I agree that after getting to a certain level of capability you simply run out of things to do, so a minority will just resort to griefing other players. But I think the mod is limited by the capabilities of the ARMA engine, so it can't really add all those other higher level features. Nor can it fix the duplication bugs and hacking that are the source of all the easy to access high level gear. That's why I was saying only the standalone can really fix it without punishing bandits.

Getting back to where you were does make death suck when looking at it without hacks/duping, and I am all for making death harsher. I don't think that this would fly with alot of people that already see the death penalty as to steep. I think you fail to realize that bandit acts via sniping (murder) would probably be one of the easiest ways to survive in a SHTF scenario, there is little to no risk in shooting a target unaware at 500 plus meters. I also think that your view of large organized "communes" in post SHTF scenarios is pretty off. I don't see anyone being very inclusive when they have limited resources and no way of trusting outsiders/unknowns. As far as the killing/torture thats what I said, that is the threat a bandit faces, there are guns and anyone can obtain them so this is already present in the mod. The death penalty is the same for everyone in the mod, may not be harsh enough but its the same for bandits as survivors.

I agree it is instinctual to group up, its also instinctual to demonize and exclude those outside your group. Thus I think conflict will always exhist, if anything it will simply grow in complexity and scope. Your reference to bandit(s) seems to refer to them as small groups or solo players, when I think it will be much more common to see bandit type behaviour from larger groups. No matter what groups will have a set optimal size, once this is exceeded that group will attribute no value to outsiders and thus they become enemies. I agree that this mostly depends on the game content, how much there is to do and how long it takes to do something. But it also depends on players, casuals have a couple hours at random times, while others have no life/job and play all the time, and still others play via appointment with set groups. This will also limit the size of groups because no one trusts the random guy who's couple of hours help will never make it worth risking hours/days of ingame work. Pro's will have the best stuff but the demand for playtime limits the number of people that can fall into this group, and leaves them unable to trust anyone because they have the best stuff. Play Date players have the best shot at having a large group but it would be formed via meta game and not IG, thus they won't trust others either. Long story short there will always be "bandit" type of activity and actual "communes" will never form or be able to enforce "laws".

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Getting back to where you were does make death suck when looking at it without hacks/duping, and I am all for making death harsher. I don't think that this would fly with alot of people that already see the death penalty as to steep. I think you fail to realize that bandit acts via sniping (murder) would probably be one of the easiest ways to survive in a SHTF scenario, there is little to no risk in shooting a target unaware at 500 plus meters. I also think that your view of large organized "communes" in post SHTF scenarios is pretty off. I don't see anyone being very inclusive when they have limited resources and no way of trusting outsiders/unknowns. As far as the killing/torture thats what I said, that is the threat a bandit faces, there are guns and anyone can obtain them so this is already present in the mod. The death penalty is the same for everyone in the mod, may not be harsh enough but its the same for bandits as survivors.

I agree it is instinctual to group up, its also instinctual to demonize and exclude those outside your group. Thus I think conflict will always exhist, if anything it will simply grow in complexity and scope. Your reference to bandit(s) seems to refer to them as small groups or solo players, when I think it will be much more common to see bandit type behaviour from larger groups. No matter what groups will have a set optimal size, once this is exceeded that group will attribute no value to outsiders and thus they become enemies. I agree that this mostly depends on the game content, how much there is to do and how long it takes to do something. But it also depends on players, casuals have a couple hours at random times, while others have no life/job and play all the time, and still others play via appointment with set groups. This will also limit the size of groups because no one trusts the random guy who's couple of hours help will never make it worth risking hours/days of ingame work. Pro's will have the best stuff but the demand for playtime limits the number of people that can fall into this group, and leaves them unable to trust anyone because they have the best stuff. Play Date players have the best shot at having a large group but it would be formed via meta game and not IG, thus they won't trust others either. Long story short there will always be "bandit" type of activity and actual "communes" will never form or be able to enforce "laws".

Regarding the bandit risk and the death penalty being the same, well the penalty isn't harsh enough to discourage banditry. Maybe once the duping and hacking is fixed it might be different. Even so, it's nowhere near a simulation of the real life risks... very few people will want to risk being tortured and no one can respawn and try again if it all goes wrong.

Regarding sniping bandits in a limited resource environment... well it's not limited resource though is it. It seems 99% of the world population is suddenly dead or infected, and civilization has stopped in its tracks, so infact there's huge amounts of resources available, just lying where people left them. This is like when the black plague wiped out 40% of Europe's population... all of a sudden there were huge surpluses in food and wealth. In a DayZ scenario, the only limited resource is people. As an individual you face greater danger being alone and your ability to harvest all those resources will be limited. Larger groups will be able to gather far more resources per capita if they work together.

The natural human instincts that will prevail in these circumstances is greed and power, not mass murder. There will be conflicts among individuals for the leadership positions in these larger groups - that's where the violence will be. The people in the top of the hierarchy will want to expand their power and the way to do that is to have more people in their clan. Killing for resources in this scenario simply doesn't make sense because you're not fighting over scarce resources... you actually need people to help gather the plentiful resources. Even inter-clan wars will be over who gets to lead a united, even bigger clan, not about eliminating the other clan.

Whether it can be simulated in a game where people only have limited time to play each night is another matter however. But when you look at it logically, the current situation in the game makes no sense - you have all these resources available and a hostile environment... and everyone just ends up shooting each other.

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The OP hungers for cock.

Where do you people get these ideas? o.O

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haha this is just well... ridiculous....That is all.

^ Hill sniper

Though this specific idea is a bit... abstract... I agree with the premise that there is no drawback to banditry and there should be added challenges to that playstyle

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Where do you people get these ideas? o.O

its all beans poisoning.

OP. you know that this mechanic is already implemented - it`s called boredom.

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^ Hill sniper

Though this specific idea is a bit... abstract... I agree with the premise that there is no drawback to banditry and there should be added challenges to that playstyle

1. i never use a sniper. 2. i'm friendly only killed 2 people in the 2 months i've been playing cause they shot at me first. 3. learn the facts before making assumptions.

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^ Hill sniper

Though this specific idea is a bit... abstract... I agree with the premise that there is no drawback to banditry and there should be added challenges to that playstyle

They have the bandit skin meaning that even people who wouldn't normally PK will kill them without a second thought. I wouldn't be against something to discourage noob slaying, but nothing weird like this, lol.

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They have the bandit skin meaning that even people who wouldn't normally PK will kill them without a second thought. I wouldn't be against something to discourage noob slaying, but nothing weird like this, lol.

The skin does nothing from my experience, as most folks wear gullie suits anyway. What's more, even if they don't have the bandit skin, it doesn't mean they aren't bandits. Or that someone with a bandit skin simply hasn't made a living hunting and killing Cherno newspawn snipers.

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