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new EU server

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Hello players,

i would like to announce a new EU veteran server.

connecting to this server takes only 10 seconds!

you dont have to wait anymore like any other server!!!

DayZ - NL 51 Veteran by GiNOO [GMT+1] dayzmod.com - hosted by i3D.net

feel free to join and have some major fun.

i am most of the time online and i will add some admins so we will play without any hackerz.

if this server goes well, i would like to buy a teamspeak/ventrilo server so everybody is able to play with eachother.

so please leave a comment about this idea.

thanks in advance.

and see you ingame!

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Nice, I'm happy to see this post, hope me and my team find home in your server :)

Can you tell us your server definitions, You said it's veteran but does it have crosshair and map waypoint?

edit: I Lol'd.. as soon as I entered the server one heli is down and other one is flying around above me more 3 down i balota i think xD

Edited by Kingstoned

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Nice, I'm happy to see this post, hope me and my team find home in your server :)

Can you tell us your server definitions, You said it's veteran but does it have crosshair and map waypoint?

edit: I Lol'd.. as soon as I entered the server one heli is down and other one is flying around above me more 3 down i balota i think xD

Nice, I'm happy to see this post, hope me and my team find home in your server :)

Can you tell us your server definitions, You said it's veteran but does it have crosshair and map waypoint?

edit: I Lol'd.. as soon as I entered the server one heli is down and other one is flying around above me more 3 down i balota i think xD

Veteran server, no crosshair, u cant see where you are on the map, and you cant see any names of your enemy

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its a fresh server, so yes all heli's are still there/cars/bikes etc etc

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Great server.

Any info about restarts? You could make some nice message about restarts ingame :)

Good job bro!

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Great server.

Any info about restarts? You could make some nice message about restarts ingame :)

Good job bro!

you will be able to see it in the message of today, i will add it tonight
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I'll give it a try once I got some time :)

But why not hosting a mumble server? It's free and you can host it on the server you are already running!


Just an advice ;)

thanks bro, ill take a look at it

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What about restart time?

Still no info on server about restarts. It's important for me :)

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I love watch my hero when im cruising around elektro :) if you hate 3rd person, play on serv with 1st. Simple.

3rd is nice!

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I love watch my hero when im cruising around elektro :) if you hate 3rd person, play on serv with 1st. Simple.

3rd is nice!

i've added the time of restart in the message of the day, i will restart it every 6 hours.

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Do you CRC check the files of the players ?

Do you authorise the custom sounds and skins ?

Do you have loaded the usual banlists ?

Good luck

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Oh and one thing, I have seen it has 3rd Person on... do you really play 3rd person? :)

yea i like to see my own char, and it's not an advantage playing 3rd person. etc

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Mate, restart server. All people are stucking in loading screen for ages...

EDIT @ 14:24

Server is still not working properly. Any info about it?

Mate, cant play on my fav serv in this game ;/

Edited by 1kHz

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Mate, restart server. All people are stucking in loading screen for ages...

EDIT @ 14:24

Server is still not working properly. Any info about it?

Mate, cant play on my fav serv in this game ;/

well i saw you had a high ping on my server, where are you from? cause i saw you were kicked out of the server couple of times.

server is working pretty well,

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