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Can I install the ACE mod along with DayZ?

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Hey guys,

i was wondering if i can install the ace mod for arma 2 with dayz already installed.

does it mess up dayz or any arma2 files?

thanks for your help!


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You can install any mod you want, but you have to make sure the other mods are not activated when playing DayZ (or the other way around).

I use SixUpdater myself to have multiple presets for different mods and even servers, so I never have to worry about the mods except by starting the correct preset.

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You can have as much "mods" as you like

Thats why all mods have there own folder, 99% the start with @.

he problem is what mods are compatible with eachoter .....?

I won't start any other mod when Dayz is active !

It might work it might not, but one thing is for sure, if you load other mods then only dayz, you will have problems with the dayz servers.

Look at my directory layout, i have all Ace stuff too, but when playing Dayz i only load Dayz mod.


Have fun.

Edited by Allie

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