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Where my body gone after car crash!?

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Just abit ago me and my mate blew one of our vehicles.

We died outside it... derp.

We both ran back and now me mates body is there... but mines isnt...

hows that possible

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and left my mates body just lying next to me with all his gear on? :P

On a server with 10 people online and crashed in Shakhovka?

No way :P

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I've had something similar happen where I was shot, but had 2 mates around the place. They went to kill the guy who killed me but saw him bleed out from the zombie attack brought on by him firing an Enfield. They ran over to check both bodies but only mine was there.. You could hear the flies from his body but no body.

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your body disappears if you log out. If you did that, then maybe thats what caused it. Also, you were driving a car, they attract attention, if your car blew up, people go to the smoke. Its likely your body was found and hid.

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Thats unfortunate that your body disappears on log out rather than on a timer.. In my case the guy clearly just didn't wanna get looted so logged off even tho he got bitched... 90% of the players involved with this game are gutless wonders! It's a little concerning how many people are quite alrite with exploiting the game to their own avail.

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