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Brand new bandit clan requires core members. Apply within if you like loot, booty and taking scalps more than holding hands.

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I'm creating a bandit group, which will consist of around 7-10 players. We are on GMT +0 but are more than willing to accept Canadian or Murkan bandits to keep the camp in order around the clock. Anything goes in this clan - shoot whoever you want... unless you want some fun with them first. The group is in it's early stages now, which is why I'm looking to create a stable core of skilled players that are willing to help set up the clan from the beginning. The good thing about joining this clan is that all of the players are new to each other, so you won't be joining a team that has been together for ages. Current or ex-military members are very welcome, as I'm ex-forces myself :)

Why join my clan?

  • Malleable ethos + goals - As some of the first players in the clan you will create the feel/culture of the clan, and be one of the core players that was there from the start.
  • All players will be mature, or won't get in
  • No rules of engagement. Do whatever you want - just don't shoot a clan member.
  • The only thing I do want to put on the table is I don't really want this group to get too big. I don't want any more than a team of up to 10 players online at any one time, clogging up the coms and creating confusion. We need a group of motivated, focused people that aren't going to endlessly chatter about what their fucking dog had for breakfast whilst on a raid into Cherno or something

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I would like to join the clan seeing as I do not currently have one. I also seem to fit the requirements you have put forward. PM me further details so that I may join the group,

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Hi there, I am looking for a group to join. Was thinking of starting one afresh but looks like this is pretty similar to what I had in mind. I am GMT+0 aswell. I am not ex/current military but served in the army cadets for 2 years ^.^ (Although it was about 6 years ago as I am now 22!)

Really want to loot and pillage, but also would be interested in doing some skirmishes for some gear i.e. locating crash sites, looting, then camping out for a while to hunt un-suspecting survivors :)

PM me if I sound like the kind of person you're looking for.

P.s. Have been playing dayz for 2 weeks and a half now or 1 week and a half; weeks tend to merge together when you do loads of overtime at work -.-

Edited by Atreyu

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I would love to join your clan as a bandit. Haven't found anyone yet that wants to team up since almost eveyone are douches and kills you... or i have one irl buddy i play with. Not sure if you accept since live in Sweden, think we have GMT +1. Not entirely sure. PM me if you're intrested. (sorry for grammar. i talk better than i write)

Edited by Gomnes

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I'd like to apply to join your clan.

I usually play as a sniper but I am willing to do what is necessary to win.

Feel free to PM me if you think I qualify.

Edited by SexyDragon

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Do you have a server? I'm possibly interested

Name : doNT FeED thE BeAR

Age: 25

Location: East Coast, US

Length of playtime: 1 mo

Current Gear: Ghillie, nvg, m4 cco sd, dmr, etc.

What I'm looking for: Clan with active members and its own server, 90% serious with a bit of random fun on the side(hatchet runs through cherno, bus field trips, etc)

What I can offer: No-nonsense tactics(i.e. calling shots and enemy positions), killing players, locating campsites, experienced driver

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Finally! A clan that is looking for a small and dependable group of people to join up and hunt people with.

I'm 18 years old, have been playing dayz for about 3 months now and have been waiting for a clan like this to form. I have skype, TS3, vent etc. Hace a mic, and have been pc gaming for about 5 years now. Let me know if your interested in me and i will be more than happy to give you more info.

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Name: Paul

Age: 24

Location: UK

Play time: 3 month

Looking for: want to be a core member,

Gear: as50, M14

Skype: grebo390

Edited by Grebo

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I am interested!

Name: Wikinger

Age: 26

Location: Germany

At the moment my DayZ Buddy is alive for 24 Days now (Not played at every single one) and have 23 Murdes + 1 Bandit Kill at the moment.

I like sniping/spotting.

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Yip. I would like to try this out since helping people in this game hasnt worked out so well.

Ive played for about a month now and think its about that time. I live in Seattle and play all different times on all different days. I am not afriad to die for a cause, and also not afraid to take out a whole town of zombies. PM me for any further questions / comments.


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I would like to join your clan, I have no military training but I do like this game, I have alot of experience with this game and am a great sniper/spotter. I think I am GMT - 5. I have tried really hard to help people in the past, but all I ever got was shot in the back. I have been a bandit for a couple of weeks now. Just died a couple of hours ago. Please atleast consider me. :D

Add me on Skype: Pendergast

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