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NL #500 has opened it's doors!

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Server Name: NL #500

Slots: 50

Difficulty: Veteran

DayZ Version:

Arma2 Beta Version:95883

Location: NL (Amsterdam)

Server ip:

Time Zone: GMT +1 Turns nighttime at 8:15 pm gmt + 1.

Rules: Typical DayZ rules apply. No kicking for admins or members, In-game VOIP is allowed.

Admin Contact: Myself on here, or Skype: tepel4556

Current players are getting a ping of between 20ms-80ms (Dependent on location), Max ping is set at 200.

Server reboots are performed with 10 minutes notice

Any further info required, don't hesitate to ask.

Any type of player is welcome, squads or clan, we do not horde all the vechicles and since the server is new theres still plenty to be found.

Come over and have a look for yourself and enjoy your stay!

Edited by Gunz0r

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Ah I found it, I had my server filter set on "don't show outdated servers".

I recommend you update your server though

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Elasticz, problem with that is the host controls the server updates and they have downgraded from 885 for some reason, in the future the server will be fully up to date.

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I played on your server via Dayzcommander, but can't find it in DayZ Monitor.

Was looking for the serverrestarts. (how often and when)

I've found 5 others though....

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I played on your server via Dayzcommander, but can't find it in DayZ Monitor.

Was looking for the serverrestarts. (how often and when)

I've found 5 others though....

First time and last time I played here.

Hackers/cheaters on this server with clantags [225th-BR]

We were looting Berizino and they flew right at us with a chopper as if they knew we were there....and they did.....

First they were shooting out of the heli and we shot back, my mate killed one.

Then one of them spawned in front of him and killed him incl me....the heli never touched the ground.


Edited by Blackf00t

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I can confirm what Blackf00t says is true. Me and my squad logged on sometime around 4-5pm after about 5 min of gameplay we se a helicopter approaching. We're in the woods in cover and we've all got ghillie suits. Yet the chopper open fires on us, disappears and returns they knew excactly where we were.. We all logg off and see three [22th-BR] guys online.

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