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looking for more players to fill up our team

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So far we are a team of 3 looking for 1-3 more players that are decently geared out because we dont have any supplies to support a new spawn. Please be 14 years or older.

Skype me if you have questions ill get beck you you later because im going to bed

skype: jordanmatyoung

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Hey dude, mind if I just tag along for a laugh? I don't have any gear but I can hold my own anyway. I'm really new to the game so.

Edited by TechnicalReality

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could i join in i got some equipment atm i got shotgun some rounds food and other stuff, i did have some better stuff but i guy got me in cherno :S

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i would like to join you. ive played day z pretty much since it came out. my in game name is dude or DudesNightmare. i have no gear because i had just died the other day. i can easily hold my own though and i get gear really quick so u wont have to worry about supplying me

Edited by DudesNightmare

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