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When contacting forum members on Skype/TS/Steam etc...

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It's a good idea to mention the username you use here when asking someone to add you on Skype or Steam, for example. :thumbsup:

Thank you to everyone who has contacted me on Skype. I am trying to contact each of you to meet up in the servers but two problems are, 1) it's slow because I keep dying and 2) I don't know who you as you don't all mention your forum usernames!

It's quite helpful if you can add your forum name to your Skype name (if it's a gaming account).

Also, remember if your account details are in a different language to the person you are contacting, they might not understand. I have a request from someone called cinq to join me on Skype but I'm not authorising because the message is in Russian. Could be anyone. :beans:

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