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Stuck on hour glass. *picture*

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Hello, I got killed by someone. Rejoined and now I am stuck on hour glass, I can't write or do anything ingame. To quit I have to ALT + F4. I've tried other servers, same happens on all of them. Any solution to fix this? I even tried changing my profile name from [KLUT] Xtri to Xtri but it didn't work. I really hope I can get this sorted out because I just got a few friends to join me in Arma 2 to play this again, and now I can't play :(

Hope for a quick solution :)



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Well, seems I have no luck with this at all. Adam won't answer on PM and nobody got any answers :/

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hourglass means you have faint

wait 5-20 minutes and you will wake up eventually depend on your damage

be patient GOD

this is not COWADOOTY


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I too am experiencing this problem. Can't use any menu options and there doesn't appear to be any of the usual progress bars on the hourglass for me. Still empty as of 15 minutes connected to the server.

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You get this from alt+4 ing out of a game when ur hurt to save pixels.

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Having a same issue as OP. Any way to force a respawn/reset for the character?

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Did a bit more testing and the knockout-timer indeed moves, altough super slowly. I waited in game about 1½h and the hourglass progressed maybe like few percents. At that rate the waiting time is something like, umm 10-20 hours? And of course every time I leave or get dropped from server or server crashes the timer resets. I'm in some weird limbo and cannot play unless character gets reset or I wait couple days in game for the timer to run down.

I sent mail to devs and they kindly did something, but unfortunately that did not seem to work :(

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I am having the same issue aswell, it seems the hourglass is not moving at all like it usually does and there is no way to respawn manually.

Any ideas? I really want to play DayZ :(

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I had this issue I think I eventually died from thirst and that allowed me to start a new character. This was after about 50 minutes in game.

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I am having the same issue aswell' date=' it seems the hourglass is not moving at all like it usually does and there is no way to respawn manually.

Any ideas? I really want to play DayZ :(


I left my character to idle in the server, after several hours it started bleeding from thirst I guess and eventually died.

This situation is something that needs to be addressed.

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