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looking to join a group of people to play with

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Been playing DayZ for a week now and would like to join other ppl to play with. I'm currently starting over from scrath (again, lol). anyways let me know if anyone is looking for someone to join them. Thanks :)

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Where are u from? :) Introduce urself a bit mate. What age what kind of gamestyle u have? more killing / farming. Student with time? :P

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Im 21 yrs old, im from California, USA. Im currently in vacation for a couple more weeks. Well I like to get supplies to ensure I survive. I haven't killed anyone.But if i feel I have to do it in order to survive, then I will (e.g. Somebody starts shooting at me).

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Well we re more like the guys who first shoot and ask then, since we have the best gear ingame ^^ But ofc not people who dont have weps etc. Its cool to wait until someones shooting at you.. but also too riskful

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If you have Teamspeak 3 feel free to join us - ts.sasklan.com:10007

your play style sounds like my own, tho I'm an OFP/ArmA vet so I have very high experience when shooting guns in this game, I prefer to attack only if attacked or hide to escape confrontation, only been tricked once after many months of playing and that was on the lingor map, 2 days ago I beat a guy in cherno with a M1911 vs him chasing me around West entrance unloading all 3 of his AK-47 clips, not a single bullet hit me but almost every pistol shot I took went into him, the zombies finished him off.

More info if needed> http://dayzmod.com/f...-bf3-dayz-clan/

Edited by Trunkz Jr

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