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us 65 owned by CKC multiple ban

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Tonight, 3 of us were banned from server US 64 Hosted by CKC IP:, around midnight.

We were playing on that server in Cherno for a while until one of us found a SUV North West of Gorka at Mount Altar. We were driving around Mogilevka when we met a Red Lada and started chasing it. Our sniper took one of the two passengers and the other started running. Soon after the second player ALT-F4 on us and when he came back 2 of us were banned on the spot (IGN : Imhotep and BelleGueule)

We tried to appeal to the Admins in the chat, but apparently the only response we got was "We are tired of cheaters/hackers" and the third person was banned (IGN: =FreaK= Tenchu). We did nothing wrong to deserve this ban. This was a good firefight and the admins that were killed lost it fair and square and decided to ban us out of spite.

Thank you.

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Tonight, 3 of us were banned from server US 64 Hosted by CKC IP:, around midnight.

We were playing on that server in Cherno for a while until one of us found a SUV North West of Gorka at Mount Altar. We were driving around Mogilevka when we met a Red Lada and started chasing it. Our sniper took one of the two passengers and the other started running. Soon after the second player ALT-F4 on us and when he came back 2 of us were banned on the spot (IGN : Imhotep and BelleGueule)

We tried to appeal to the Admins in the chat, but apparently the only response we got was "We are tired of cheaters/hackers" and the third person was banned (IGN: =FreaK= Tenchu). We did nothing wrong to deserve this ban. This was a good firefight and the admins that were killed lost it fair and square and decided to ban us out of spite.

Thank you.

try getting footage of stuff that happens like this. i always record when shit goes dowwwwwwwwwwwn

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i know when i do squad assault i record but just to have fraps open that split my fps in half so when i dont set up something who need to be record i dont open fraps, and when i see the red car i didnt expect to get ban after killing those 2 player,

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You want to be idiots and use hacked in vehicles/weapons, then do not come crying here for a ban appeal.

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if you are an admin of the us 65 can you show me the log where it show we have use a hack? one of us found a suv and come pick us and we meet a red lada(maybe you) and we chasse them, we didnt hack at anytime, and please can you stay relax, i dont like to be talk like that. thanks

Edited by bellegueule

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Right... Even if it was a hacked vehicule how were we supposed to know? Not all of us have been playing since the start of this mod. Beside, I've checked a few thread today and it is not a bannable offense to use a hacked vehicule/weapon if you were not the one that actually spawned it in the first place. Like it was said before, we even found it at one of the possible spawn location for vehicules.

The CKC people even came around back at us, we all got out of the cars and started shooting. You were killed by our guns, not by some super hacked vehicule.

It was pure and simple admin abuse. Just because you lost some gear in a legitimate firefight you do not go and blame it on the hacks right away without even investigating it, like would any decent admins do. You people ought to do some research before jumping on the banhammer so quickly next time. We even tried to talk about it through the chat. You people accused us of hacking when we were not and banned us right away. No way it was not a impulsive decision coming from two little frustrated guys with power issues.

There was no ground whatsoever for this ban, you people just protected the loot you were about to lose.

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We get banned on 8 of 10 server allways if we find and repair a heli...

I know there are much spawning script kiddis but Admins please stop beeing stupid just becose you never found one or fear about your

Tent places (yes we find them all ^^ )

But yes thats how it is atm...if you wanna have fun without kicking get your own server...sad but true

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Right... Even if it was a hacked vehicule how were we supposed to know? Not all of us have been playing since the start of this mod. Beside, I've checked a few thread today and it is not a bannable offense to use a hacked vehicule/weapon if you were not the one that actually spawned it in the first place. Like it was said before, we even found it at one of the possible spawn location for vehicules.

The CKC people even came around back at us, we all got out of the cars and started shooting. You were killed by our guns, not by some super hacked vehicule.

It was pure and simple admin abuse. Just because you lost some gear in a legitimate firefight you do not go and blame it on the hacks right away without even investigating it, like would any decent admins do. You people ought to do some research before jumping on the banhammer so quickly next time. We even tried to talk about it through the chat. You people accused us of hacking when we were not and banned us right away. No way it was not a impulsive decision coming from two little frustrated guys with power issues.

There was no ground whatsoever for this ban, you people just protected the loot you were about to lose.

Admin see someone driving around in a Black SUV, right? If this would have happened our server, you would have been told that the vehicle was hacked in, and to get out so it could be destroyed. If you refused and quoted the ridiculous rule of Rockets, "you can't be kicked/banned for using a scripted/hacked in weapon/vehicle if you didn't script/hack it in" you would have been kicked, the vehicle destroyed and that would have ended the problem.

Saying that it is wrong to script in a weapon/vehicle that is not in the MOD, but it is ok to use it as long as you didn't introduce it to the game is asinine. Why do you ask, well Players A - E all pitch in $5 to buy a BE Bypass. They then proceed to have Player A script in multiple weapons/vehicles, and everyone grabs one and goes about their merry way causing havoc in the server. Player A could be banned, but players b -e could not, how is that right in any universe?

They should have asked you to get out so they could destroy it, if you refused, kick you, destroy it and continue having fun.

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first off ckc rocks we dont need to worry about gear cuz theres 12 of us always collecting. second off I banned you guys personally and for the record, we killed you all (thas how we knew who was in the suv the one thing you forgot to cover your butt about not coincidence we knew who to ban) and destroyed the suv hence why you lost it, and this was even after requesting you guys leave it in global chat . yes global chat is not available (to you) but we can communicate with you through rcon (global and direct) and you through us in any chat available. admins have the ability to check for who loads scripts now in case you didnt know and everyone one of you got banned because 2 of you ran scripts (suv and ammo box) and tenchu then teleported the whole server to the ocean after we killed you all. as for all your illegit weapons cmon buddy were not dumb escalade? really? hahaha and you guys play all the time we can look u up on gametracker. im glad you have spoken up only to prove your worth go buy a new copy and try playing without cheating or without cheaters.

Edited by kronik

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And for the record if you killed us there woulda been no way for us to know who the other 2 people (the ones who didnt run the scripts) were, PERIOD. 2 of you were in log and the other 2 were the ones we killed that equals all 4 people in the escalade who we KNEW to ban. thank you and goodnight next time you want to make up a lie get your story straight.

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As you apparently have no problem to create total bullshit on the official DayZ forums about this case, I don't even want to be unbanned from your shit server

have a nice day.

Edited by bellegueule

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Facts are facts! Anyone that would be in a vehicle or using any type of weapon that is not part of the DayZ mod when you brought it in or happened to find it is not tolerated by any admin and does result in a ban, I believe any admin that sees this would have gone with a ban.

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Can we please have a moderator lock this post please

Edited by Dchild59

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This night at around 11:25 PM EST I was wrongfully banned from this server. I logged in at Cherno about 20 minutes before, and then got killedby another player. No problem. I respawn at the Balota airstrip and see the small military encampment along the road. Knowing that good loot can spawn in those deer stands, I head for them. When I get inside and climb up the ladder I find an ACU Assault Pack, along with some ammo. I swap out my coyote patrol pack for it and start heading to the other end of the base to loot the other deer stands. About half way there the admin in global chat says something along the lines of :

"lol GMK... I hope you know that I can see that in the logs and its like plz ban me now. "DE_Assault Pack_ACU".

I have never used scripts in my life, nor even know how to get them, and I also thought that the Assault pack was a legit item in the game? If it is not, I honestly did not know, as I have found them before in deer stands. Please un-ban me.

In game name- GMKASUS

Edit: After playing around on other servers with the backback I was never notified of it being a hacked item and found two more spawned in military loot sites. I did some research and apparently it is on the dayz wiki so it is a non-hacked item. http://dayzdb.com/database/assault-pack-acu

The admin clearly made a mistake and I would still wish to be un-banned.

Edited by Chris2
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SA should have gave you a chance to drop it. SA definitely is wrong here, give the player a chance to get rid if the item tht is not legit. If they don't then remove them from the server.

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GMKASUS I did in fact ban you and it was done in err. I misread the logfile when you were on. Regardless I checked our server for your GUID and as such you were unbanned. Again our apologies.

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GMKASUS I'm sorry to hear about this and the misunderstanding from one of our DayZ Admins! There should have been a little more info known about the pack and what is and what is not allowed before the ban was initialized. unfortunately stuff like this does give the clan a bad name and please understand there was been a lot of frustrations that has been with DayZ and the number of hackers. I will be speaking with this admin.

feel free to PM me if there is any more issues.

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Hey there.

IGN : kayone

Around last night, 4AM GMT+8 on 31/8/2012, I was banned on CKC server US 65 while sniping in NorthWest Airfield. A group of us were looting the barracks in the Airfield and I was covering them with my sniper, spotted two guys coming from the south barracks and took them down with my AS50. Names were something like Aaron and zfiregodz. After we looted them and went back to the barracks, I got banned soon after. No reason was stated, my friends were still in the server and the ban stated was Admin Ban.

I din't use a hacked weapon, I just had high ping since I play from Singapore, no details of why I was banned. I could use some clarifications about this since the server is often populated, and I enjoy the fast load in from dayzhosting. Much appreciated if this was replied to :)

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Kayone, may we have the exact name you were playing with last night? I don't see anything in the logs for "Kayone". Backstory won't help us identify the reason for your banning, as we're only banning based on logs.

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Please give us your ingame name that you used when banned. We ban based on logs and our only way to find you and double check your ban is with either your ingame name you used that day or through GUID. The name you have givin us is not in our logs anywhere please verify and we will look into it. Thanks.

US 65 Friendly admin/Party Bus operator


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Kayone, after lots of searching for your name i have found the reason you were banned (it was hard to find). You are not connected to battleye at any point in the game and nor did you come in on our logs for people spawning in. Im sorry but i can not lift your ban based on the fact that this is how every script that they get away with is run. US 65 is a zero tolerance server. No cheating, no exploiting no illegit gear and absolutely no combat logging.

US 65 Friendly admin/Party Bus operator


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Kayone, after lots of searching for your name i have found the reason you were banned (it was hard to find). You are not connected to battleye at any point in the game and nor did you come in on our logs for people spawning in. Im sorry but i can not lift your ban based on the fact that this is how every script that they get away with is run. US 65 is a zero tolerance server. No cheating, no exploiting no illegit gear and absolutely no combat logging.

US 65 Friendly admin/Party Bus operator


Hey there.

That is clearly a mistake since I've always been screened out by battleye for having high ping in other US servers lol. Since you guys have a dayzhosting.com hosted server, its really fast load times, without much ping restrictions and most of all, a populated server. I would appreciate if you help me out with this by having an admin watch me enter the server after lifting my ban? That would probably solve this misunderstanding. I've played on many servers and never once had I been banned, and least of all for Battleye related issues. I'm a legit player and I've streamed on twitch before. The exact IGN is kayone as always. If you guys are banning my CDkey or something, pm me I'll send it to you. :)

Much appreciated.


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Hello again Kayone. I have removed you from our ban list for now feel free to play but please remember we will be monitoring your play for both excessive logging (duping) and scripts. Please enjoy and play to survive. Enjoy!

US 65 Friendly admin/Party Bus operator


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