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Cant find any Zday servers

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Got this wierd issue, finally managed to install DayZ properly, its up and working fine and all, but in the multiplayer tab, i find regular servers, but when i filter for DayZ i find about 4 servers, 3 in creating ,and the other one isnt a DayZ server, its just calling itself it, (its playing one of the standard CTI maps/modes).

I presume there's plenty servers out there, so... just curious, what the heck am i doing wrong?

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first make sure you are starting the game as Combined Operations.. then try to put "DayZ" (without the quotes) to mission filter instead server name filter and clear all other filter options

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thanks guys, with enough fiddling with the filter it finally worked, guess it somehow was bugged, as it i did really nothing but systematically alter everything.. til they were back as they were originally, then it finally worked, :=)

See you out there folks.

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