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Ammo bags/crates

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I would please like you to consider adding a new rare find - ammo bags & crates. Ideally it would be nice to be able to store them in a backpack. An ammo bag might take up three or four inventory slots and hold maybe 12 clips.

An ammo crate taking up maybe five or six inventory slots while holding whatever a crate usually holds. :) 24 clips?

Well, I've never found either of these but are they in Day Z already??

edit: I meant to word in this as a request but my internet down. lol sorry. Edited.

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Ammo bag sounds like a cool idea, kind of like how all your tools/gadgets are kept in a seperate panel to the loot you find.

Ammo crates in vehicles only would be a pretty cool bonus for people who manage to build a vehicle.

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