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http://i.imgur.com/yUt6H.jpg this is where I found it btw' date=' if anyone is interested, I don't know if you'll have the same 'luck' as I did, or if you're even interested, and it just played again about 8 minutes ago, and it is confirmed the same message on a loop, but it is still getting kinda redundant at this point.. it should at least be like fallout 3 where it is an actual radio station with music. Sorry for the profanity in the chat on the screenshot link, if it is against the rules, I'll remove the link.


Pics or it didn't happen.

I just linked one in my last post about where I found it

edit: neat' date=' instead of letting you make multiple posts, it merges all sequential posts together if no one posted after you. :D


Is that a GPS??!?

Yep. They're REALLY rare. Amnesty and I team up alot, we were lucky enough to find a few of them over the course of a few days. Same with range finders. Too bad I can't find M4 mags.. :-/

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Yep. They're REALLY rare. Amnesty and I team up alot, we were lucky enough to find a few of them over the course of a few days. Same with range finders. Too bad I can't find M4 mags.. :-/

check out the barracks at NW Airfield, spend some time there, i found like 9 stanag magazines there

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Dear Amnesty, can I encourage you to delete that audiofile?

This is such an amazing find and a genius plot by Rocket!

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GPS is for people who don't know how to use a map.

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Points to deer stands, eh? That's interesting because I Was running North when I stumbled upon a group of (mostly) bandits next to a deer stand. I was a solid 400m away, so they didn't notice me, but one thing I did notice was that there was a different-looking guy just named "detective" in orange font when my crosshairs hovered over him. Possible NPC's, or am I just seeing things?

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Pretty sure I've seen a player called detective on side chat.... There was something weird about that conversation though : /


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Was going to point out that those numbers were grid coordinates but someone already beat me to it.

Listening to the background noise it sounds like a mixture of Burst MFSK, PSK, Plaintext, ASK and some simple CW tones. At the end there's a morse sequence. I took a crack at it and what I have so far is thus:


I'll post the rest when I get it decoded, I was interupted last night by a pesky thing called work. :P

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for anyone interested, here's the entire set of numbers in the file

























looks like coordinates to me.

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This game just got creepy.

On the note of the "Detective", I've seen it's name appear in the chat one night around 3am Eastern time. They posted something weird that made little sense, and I didn't really take notice.

I can't wait to see what the official story is behind everything.

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Yeah they are grid coords and deerstands and all that, but when I asked about them on the server one guy piped up and said it was for a hidden military cache up north.

Love easter eggs like this.

what is UVB-76

It's a radio thing that beeps over and over again for years and sometimes a russian hops on and quotes names and numbers for the lolz

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Maybe the audio file or even this thread should be deleted or locked or something? I was thinking about it before, by making all this public we have kinda taken away from the purpose of the Radio being so rare, and clearly quite a bit of work has gone into it. Just a thought.

And yeah, its hella cool. Fully number station style.

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The first part of the morse is difficult because of the Coordinates being read but so far I've got following:


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Yeah they are grid coords and deerstands and all that' date=' but when I asked about them on the server one guy piped up and said it was for a hidden military cache up north.

Love easter eggs like this.

what is UVB-76

It's a radio thing that beeps over and over again for years and sometimes a russian hops on and quotes names and numbers for the lolz

hidden military cache eh?

i can already picture an lav25 rolling through hordes of zombies...

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I used my amateur Morse code skills to determine the message...

We are no longer alive STOP This message will play every hour if operators are no longer responsive STOPMESSAGE

Unable to quarantine subject change STOPMESSAGE

Shit just got real ladies and gentlemen.

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We are no longer alive STOP This message will play every hour if operators are no longer responsive STOPMESSAGE

Seems correct, I got to the 'operator are no longer'

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I used my amateur Morse code skills to determine the message...

We are no longer alive STOP This message will play every hour if operators are no longer responsive STOPMESSAGE

Unable to quarantine subject change STOPMESSAGE

Shit just got real ladies and gentlemen.

makes sense, because all i've been hearing on the hour is the morse now, not even the numbers, it doesn't even play the music. other than that, i sometimes hear things like voices, but i don't know if i am just hearing things or if people are accidentally leaving voip on.

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I've always found Morse creepy... So I decided to teach myself it.

After decoding the message, I'm not going to look at the game the same. It really has become a horror game for me.

I don't know what to think of the locations [deer stands] though. I think it will time for more problem solving in the future.

I always mistake them for bandits...

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Man this is creeping me out! Anyone who wants to add me on steam and spend hours working this out tomorrow add me on steam: Antijp

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I think this is brilliant.

I like the idea of items or maybe something embedded into the game world such as maybe a road sign or a a whole road that's not visible on the map in your backpack, that would lead somewhere exciting. It doesnt have to have rare loot inside.. Imagine stumbling across an unmarked military research lab in the woods that could explain a back-story as to the zombie outbreak..

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QUOTE " I heard counting, or like.. not really counting, but kinda like what the default soldiers do in Arma when they die? "

THIS is bullshit...you don't even know the communication of ARMA...fuck this casual.

DAYZ DEVS, all the veteran of ARMA are quitting your mod for the regular setting in server...this is a really major problem.

Well DEVS you know what? Enjoy your success butit it will just be a meteor, cause the casual players will trash Arma when the new cool game comes out.

So listen to the veterans and not to the casual bastards.

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ThatNiceGuy: You've said the same thing in three seperate threads. We get it. You don't like casuals. Neither do most of us. It's alright that not everyone knows everything about Arma II: Even you were a noob once.

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