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Dayz thought I died, sent me to nowhere-land and took all my stuff

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So I've been teleported to the beach a lot lately and made it to Shakhovka where a zombie broke my leg. I crawled up north and logged out in frustration since I didn't have any morphin on me and I can't log in to the server where I have my tent. I logged back in later and the server said I had been killed, but I hadn't. I was now alive in the barren nowhere-land so I disconnected and reconnected. No I'm back on the beach again and all my equipment is gone and my inventory is empty but I still have a broken leg.

Is there anything I can do now, other than crawling to a suicide? I would love to keep my Bizon and 11 day character, but not in this state. :)

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This is a bug that a couple of my buddies have had happen. The game does indeed think you died and will respawn you on the coast with the same blood/hunger/drink status and with the same skin... You can go back to the place you "died", and there will be a lootable body.

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Happens all the damn time. Lost everything twice in a row to hackers and just now I lost everything to this bug. Think im done playing seriously for a while. Just going to run around cherno like an idiot untill the atleast manage to do something about the hackers -.-

Maybe give them a free course in social interaction so they can do other things than sit inside being assholes on DayZ all day :P

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