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so i spawned at electra and went in to the city , saw like 1 body evey few buildings all frashly spawned player no equipment at all.

i waited and waited till i saw 2 guys who came towards of me with shootguns.

i did the dance and salute them, they did same so were friendly.

then i got what i wanted and was going out when i saw like 3 to 4 bodys all in one place , before i could react i got shoot in the head!!

i mean what kind of a fucked up person does that!! killing unarmed players.

just stilling on a tall building with a sniper up there ass and shoot shoot !!!

tDayZ purpose was to kill and survive zombi takeover, this is NOT fucking battlefield 3!!

all the noobs who cant play bf3 or anyother fps game come here and get scooped guns and shoot mindlessly...

i mean 1st ask or see of a guys is friendly or not!!

dayZ has already so much problums as if it , with the hacking and all,

this fucking PVP will the end of this game, is is fun some times but not always!

its fucking unplayable now...either i get raped by hacker or shoot by sniper fuckers.

purpose was survive togather help each other to survive...NOT fucking kill each other , didnt needed zombies for that innit!!

GO play bf3 or cod u sniper mofo's where your sniper asses will be bitch raped!!

P.S im mad!!

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It's funny because going into Elektro as a new spawn and expecting to come out scot-free is stupid. If you go into high risk areas... You're at high risk of getting domed.

Edited by Hydra
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like i said GO play BF3 if u like PVP so much!!

kills zombies NOT players

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when i zerg into Cherno or Elec. as a fresh spawn i got balls out to find my gear and get outa dodge.. i either make it or end up Sniper bait..

as a fresh spawn you have nothing to lose, expect a few minutes of running down the beach (which does suk btw).. but since your hardly invested in that particular life, theres no real reason to be overly mad..

you'll get used to it

ps dont EVER go back into Cherno/Elec. with a fully kitted toon unless you'r looking to find other people to PVP with.. thats asking for a beach vacation

Edited by Siberian

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Go play single player is you're that anal about it.

" They keep coming back, 2 hours in and I'm at 24 murders."

come do that to in bf3!!!

will rape your noob ass!!

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when i zerg into Cherno or Elec. as a fresh spawn i got balls out to find my gear and get outa dodge.. i either make it or end up Sniper bait..

as a fresh spawn you have nothing to lose, expect a few minutes of running down the beach (which does suk btw).. but since your hardly invested in that particular life, theres no real reason to be overly mad..

you'll get used to it

ps dont EVER go back into Cherno/Elec. with a fully kitted toon unless you'r looking to find other people to PVP with.. thats asking for a beach vacation

dont go there , then were do i go???

again kill zombies and survive

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Man calm down and use your head. when you saw the 5 guys standing there you stoped in the middle of the road and were like oh damn thats a lot of people and then BANG, your brains were on the wall. Dont stop in the open if you see some one run or move to a angle with cover. I spend most of my time in cherno killing people and on fresh spawns I get my goodies and listen for shots if I hear sniper fire i gtfo if not I fight tooth and nail.

Point is dont get mad the game was design with this in mind.

.....work smarter not harder.

Edited by XMorTus
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PvP will NEVER be taken out of the game.

This is what Rocket has said.

Without the fear of being killed by another player, this mod wouldn't be half as scary as it is.

And you telling people to go play BF3 if they like PvP so much??

How about you stop crying and telling people what to play. If you don't like being killed...your playing the wrong game.

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DayZ is a trial by fire. This is not like the other games you play: On rails and designed for you to always be the winner.

Stop trying to be a keyboard warrior and calm your tits, dude.

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dont go there , then were do i go???

Well, if you don't like the fact that places like Electro and Cherno attract snipers, might I suggest avoiding those areas, and moving to other places to gear up? There are plenty of other places to gear up other than Electro or Cherno.Anyplace with a supermarket, barns, hunting stands...

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As a lover of stealth games, zombies ain't got shit on me. At the moment I have the silenced SMG so they are even less of a threat. The threat of other players... ah now that's a challenge! Someone who can see more then 100 feet and don't forget about you after chasing you for 60 seconds. The thrill for me is not killing players, it's seeing them and them not seeing me. The OP screams and shouts at people to "go back to BF3", how about you bugger off to Left 4 Dead with all your carebare friends!

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I can see where you are coming from, losers that sit on sniping spots for hours just to have the trill of sniping someone. That is pretty loserish, but the whole PvP really brings excitement to the game, as it makes you think more and be more cautious.

As for the snipe whores they need to really get a life and stop sticking around in one spot for hours it's pathetic.

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I can see where you are coming from, losers that sit on sniping spots for hours just to have the trill of sniping someone. That is pretty loserish, but the whole PvP really brings excitement to the game, as it makes you think more and be more cautious.

As for the snipe whores they need to really get a life and stop sticking around in one spot for hours it's pathetic.

I can see where you are coming from, losers that sit on sniping spots for hours just to have the trill of sniping someone. That is pretty loserish, but the whole PvP really brings excitement to the game, as it makes you think more and be more cautious.

As for the snipe whores they need to really get a life and stop sticking around in one spot for hours it's pathetic.

I can see where you are coming from, losers that sit on sniping spots for hours just to have the trill of sniping someone. That is pretty loserish, but the whole PvP really brings excitement to the game, as it makes you think more and be more cautious.

As for the snipe whores they need to really get a life and stop sticking around in one spot for hours it's pathetic.

YES u are rite , i dont mind PVP as much coz if someone shoots at me at-least i can see em, if i die its my fault, but hiding and killing for no reason if just stupid!

Edited by wheelspk

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I kill everyone hoping I specifically kill people like you to make these posts. It is a PvP game, not a coop zombie killer.

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Same thing happened to me last spawn. I'd been alive for 2 days, found some nice stuff. I could hear lots of shots in Cherno, so hid on the hospital roof. Lots of bodies everywhere, including bandits. Decide to do a runner and then the douche crept up behind me as I'm hiding behind a building and he shottied me.

Pissed :)

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As a lover of stealth games, zombies ain't got shit on me. At the moment I have the silenced SMG so they are even less of a threat. The threat of other players... ah now that's a challenge! Someone who can see more then 100 feet and don't forget about you after chasing you for 60 seconds. The thrill for me is not killing players, it's seeing them and them not seeing me. The OP screams and shouts at people to "go back to BF3", how about you bugger off to Left 4 Dead with all your carebare friends!

lol i never pussy ass games like L4D!!


now this stupid ass sniper pussy ass game

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I kill everyone hoping I specifically kill people like you to make these posts. It is a PvP game, not a coop zombie killer.

NO u kill coz u cant get off your lazy ass and loot building!!

shoot and loot...

and it was never a PVP game u idiot read the reviews!!!

its a zombi survival game....!!

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a good person is a dead person. unless you know someone, it's shoot or be shot

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It is annoying getting shot down in Elektro by snipers. What I do when I get into Elektro for supply's I keep to the walls and zig zag. On 2 occasions I have been shot at by snipers but have missed. What I do is run into the nearest building and abort game. Now I know this is sort of cheating but it annoyed the hell out of the snipers. Log into another server (preferably one with not so many players in) then get out of Elektro. Get into the hills that surround Elektro then log back into the server with the sniper on. If you can't see the sniper lay low and wait until he/she starts shooting into Elektro. Once you know the position kill them from behind.

This has got to annoy them. A bit unfair I know but they are not playing fair by sitting in the hills sniping unarmed freshly spawned players.

Edited by ocelot20

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but hiding and killing for no reason if just stupid!

if you let them kill you so easily, you are stupid.

i see like everyone here telling you that, and you keep on repeating the same old carebear shit.


and it was never a PVP game u idiot read the reviews!!!

its a zombi survival game....!!

actually, its a sandbox game.

means, you can do whatever you want.

if you want to lurk around and pick flowers, too bad isn't implemented yet.

if you want to camp cherno/elektro and shoot noobs, go ahead.

The OP screams and shouts at people to "go back to BF3", how about you bugger off to Left 4 Dead with all your carebare friends!

have beans :D

Edited by Azrail

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Get a grip, op. PVP is a critical part of this game, trust me after a few weeks of surviving, you'll be hauling that AS50 to sniper's hill to try to pop some heads.

Observe, adapt, overcome.

Why were you surprised that you were shot within sight of 5 bodies lying in the street? Did you think to plan your route to maximize cover? Did you serpentine while you moved? Did you think of where you would be if you were a sniper shooting at that spot? Did it occur to you to sweep a wide arc around that spot and hunt for him or if you weren't up for it how about disengage, keep buildings between you and the hill and get the fuck out of dodge? You had so many options in that situation but did the stupid thing and ran in the open with no plan and got shot. Chalk it up to a learning experience and put those lessons to use next time you are in a similar situation.

Get some friends on Skype or TS, work together and guard each other's corpses when you die, trade loot, build a car together. It's a much better game with buds to run with.

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