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You won't make money on standalone or Arma3....

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.... If you don't chuck a load of money at your cheat prevention right now.

I'm on 4 major UK forums full of hundreds of players who have pretty much stopped playing the game or are playing a lot less, all down to hackers.

Do you actually think there's any point in wasting your resources on Arma3 & DayZ standalone when, come release, you'll have alienated the majority of players?

Just look at failed MMO's, if you don't do well in the first 6 months you'll __NEVER__ recover.

Please get to work, this is stupid....


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Come standalone, there wont be any scripting, no spawning weapons, no nukes, no teleporting. Only possibly aimbot/wallhack, you wont feel the hacking anymore then you do now in BF3, CS, MW3.

There you go, its been fixed

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BI or DayZ can't do much on the current cheat prevention system, they just implemented Battleye which is an external program they don't manage (like punkbuster, etc). So they should either create their own system or find a better one.

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Hey hey, another person who doesn't understand the point of an open alpha!

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I'm pretty sure Day-Z mod could fail over and over again, but come stand alone time a large majority of the 1 million people will buy it. I doubt DayZ would be implimenting the same cheat detection with the same holes. How dumb do you think these people are?

Edited by gwbrewer

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did it ever come into ur mind that ppl might have stopped playing now simply waiting for the stand alone to come out?

Edited by h3retic

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did it ever come into ur mind that ppl might have stopped playing now simply waiting for the stand alone to come out?

Agree, I stopped playing until the stand alone comes out.

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Hmmm, I'm going to bet all my beans owned past future and present that they will make a lot of money on this.

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Come standalone, there wont be any scripting, no spawning weapons, no nukes, no teleporting. Only possibly aimbot/wallhack, you wont feel the hacking anymore then you do now in BF3, CS, MW3.

There you go, its been fixed

Prove it.

They're still going to use CuntEye

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Prove it.

They're still going to use CuntEye

They will probably just code away most of the possibility to inject the "hacking" scriptz into the game. Now it seems that you can inject just any script you want into the game. He can't prove it won't have the same problems but it would be surprising if the standalone game wouldn't have a improved server security.

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I'm so glad a professional started this thread to give their glorious insight into how to make a game.

You have my sardines sir.

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I love how everyone is an expert on software development that have never spent a day in the shoes of a developer. Its a Mod of an older game engine. When they move to the new game engine and its not a mod any longer there will not be any loop holes to exploit any longer.

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I love how everyone is an expert on software development that have never spent a day in the shoes of a developer. Its a Mod of an older game engine. When they move to the new game engine and its not a mod any longer there will not be any loop holes to exploit any longer.

Speak for yourself.

There's no good reason whatsoever to remove logs rather than increase them given the contant pest that cheaters are. That doesnt require significant development time, and that doesnt require BI intervention.

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BI or DayZ can't do much on the current cheat prevention system, they just implemented Battleye which is an external program they don't manage (like punkbuster, etc). So they should either create their own system or find a better one.

DayZ can improve logging so that admins can detect cheaters. Rather than removing logs like they did and, hey, I guess the idea is that if you can't see the cheaters then they aren't there anymore!

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Hey hey, another person who doesn't understand the point of an open alpha!

Hey hey, another person who didn't play ARMA....

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DayZ can improve logging so that admins can detect cheaters. Rather than removing logs like they did and, hey, I guess the idea is that if you can't see the cheaters then they aren't there anymore!

Those "logs" where I/O from the hive.

I don't think the dayz devs trust anyone with informations about the hive.

Devil's advocate mode, where did the dayZ team ask you to do server police? If you read the rules you will realize that as a server admin your only ability is to do maintenance work. You are only given minimal policing rights.

RPT files are not log files, they are a script debugging tool, which means that, unless you worked on arma modding or have an intimate knowledge of how the mod work at the moment, you have no idea what the log is actually telling.

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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Devil's advocate mode, where did the dayZ team ask you to do server police? If you read the rules you will realize that as a server admin your only ability is to do maintenance work. You are only given minimal policing rights.


^^ New rules.

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Hey hey, another person who didn't play ARMA....

Hey hey, another person who doesn't understand Arma's target audience!

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Rocket can't really do anything about the anti-cheat in DayZ since BattleEye is a part of Arma 2 and Bohemia Interactive takes care fo that aspect. In standalone they will have a better anticheat.

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for the server admins, that are willing to do some research, will find out. that script detection has been majorely improved in little over 24hours.

with 1408 legit bans in 1 list.


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