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How to maybe fix the endless respawning!

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Hello guys.

After respawning ENDLESS times with my nice nice gear, i suddently end up spawning with NO gear at all, and only my guillie.

Well, i've had some ideas of why it did the respawn and now was my time to try it.

With 14 days ingame and some nice stats i decided to walk into Kamenka and let myself die. Sadly it was.

I then started up a new char, and wanted to see if i still got respawned. I ran in elektro, looting and all and wanted to log out.

When i tryed to login, i got stuck on loading screen so i thought, "Oh well, now im gonna respawn again somewhere random". But no, i dident.

Actully now i can logout, and login again without a respawn.

What was the solution, you may ask? I died!

So heres my advice:

- Find a tent, car or a friend to hold your gear.

- Let a friend kill you, or walk into zombies and die.

- Find your stuff again.

- Play without respawning!

Im afraid this bug is following the "character" as it is now. Before my death i couldent login without havin respawned some random place, but now im just playing the game as it was before.

So i would love some feedback from others, who tryed this little thing.

Atleast it works for me.

- Daniel.

Edited by Skalledalle

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This happens if you have and try to connect to a server.

You'll get stuck on loading, next time you'll connect at the beach.

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This happens if you have and try to connect to a server.

You'll get stuck on loading, next time you'll connect at the beach.

True, but allso happens if i try to join a server, testet it a tons of times today.

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This respawn bug only occurs when you go to a .24 after being on a .25 server. Staying on the correct server version should never give you the bug and you could therefore attach any number of random 'fixes' and call them true.

Like me, I noticed that if I log when I'm sober I get no respawn but logging drunk.......damn that is just a recipe for respawn cake.

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