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LF 16+ Players for EU servers :) Everyone can join !

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Hey, I have been playing this game for 4 days, have a lot of knowladge about game mechanics. And want to play with foreigners from all over the world:

Age: 19

in-game Name : ThunderVolt

Playstile : I play survivor, I dont shoot people if I feel comfortable around them, I usually use the in game chat to ask for company, if I see him/her attending to point his gun at me I shoot, otherwise I am not a bandit :)

But if the most of the group want to play as bandit, I can be a bandit, its your choice :)

Everyone can join me, you dont have to be a professional or newbie, or something. everybody is accepted

We are gonna use a public DayZ teamspeak channel,


16+ years old or older,

access to TeamSpeak 3 and microphone

and have some ( a little) information about the game mechanics

I usually join EU servers because of Lag/Ping situations, if you think its not a problem for you, US players can join me too,

Thanks :)

Need at least 3 more players to start playing, it can be more than 4 btw :)

Edited by ThunderVolt

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