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Help ban DayZ Question

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I'm sorry for my bad english ...

Hello in the house we are 2, and my brother obtained a banns for use of scripts. I have never played has DayZ because I waits for my new PC and I wondered if I am banns also because I shall like avoiding paying Arma 2 and Arma OA for nothing

In french :

Bonjour chez moi nous sommes 2, et mon frère a obtenu un ban pour utilisation de scripts. Je n'ai jamais joué a DayZ car j'attend mon nouveau PC et je me demandais si je suis ban aussi car j'aimerai éviter de payer Arma 2 et Arma OA pour rien

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Game user id is banned not ip address, if you and your brother have purchased separate games with separate game keys (which you should since you know his action will result in ban) you will have no problem playing on your new pc, enjoy.

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There's your problem.

He means: It would really suck, if I had paid for ARMA2:CO for nothing (since he got banned before being able to play)

T.G. is right, if you have a different CD key you will be able to play.

Edited by Rollonio

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I hope that it is true I don't want paid for nothing and especially paid for my brother...

Thank you !

Edited by iSpinoza

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