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Broken Bones... Story/Video

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I was playing DayZ Just like any other day and i was going to climb down a ladder, I was already grabbed on the ladder till suddenly my player falls. I have no idea what happened but he fell and broke a bone, Do you all know how hard it is for me to find a morphine and how annoying it is to not be able to walk? Specially when you played DayZ for about 5hours straight and knowing you won't be able to get up or anything till you find yourself a Morphine?

Creators: I think we should all spawn with a morphine when the game starts, or put them more on the maps / barns etc.

I've been having trouble finding out. That is all i wanted to say, Heres the story... \


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It's usually best not to climb up/down ladders when you have a red/yellow chain. Also, when you get stuck moving like that, just tap the movement keys (WASD) a few times till you get unstuck. I hear alt tabbing helps too.

I have never had that happen to me, but I always wait for my red chains to go away before I start climbing anything. Same with vaulting or getting off of bikes.

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Quick question, What is the Red Chain/yellow? I see it come out sometimes but have no idea what it means? Thanks for the reply :)

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Its basically an indication of desyncing with the server. Its best to not do much when that happens.

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Its basically an indication of desyncing with the server. Its best to not do much when that happens.

I see, Well thanks for telling me now i know :) Kudos!

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if you are going to go anywhere away from the cities with hospitals, go and stock up on what you need (morphine if solo, morphine + blood bags if in a group) just common sense.

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I was actually looking everywere for a morphine way before i broke my bone, but no luck.

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actually this looks like berezino, theres a Hospital in berezino 100% morphine :)

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I've found guns before like the enfield and another weapon a shotty, can't remember the name tho.

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actually this looks like berezino, theres a Hospital in berezino 100% morphine :)

Hey i went to the hospital you were talking about and nothing i searched everything ! :(

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Unless someone just took it while i was there? I seen a black car pass by like 5min after i left the hospital

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