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Shiny new weapons

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hi everybody, so i have been searching for a while for some good weapons and i've been coming across only akm's and at best ak's with the kobra scope. While doing a run through stary sobor i see a desert camo rifle in a tent and my heart almost stops, m4a3 CCO! finally i have a decent rifle and i couldnt be happier about it. feel free to share stories of your own about awesome finds i just wanted to tell the world how excited i am about this gun :)

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holy f*ck

I was on the computer and my dad said

what the f*ck are you doing on DayZ

and I said

f*ck you dad

and then he punched a wall and it broke

so I threw my computer at him but it missed and hit my mom

and then my sister was like

what the f*ck scruffy

and then I realized I was a dog

so I took a shit on the floor

it was the best day ever

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