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Mastiff (DayZ)

Humanity + Inventory glitches + Skin changes

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Basically... I finally decided to update from .4 to .5... I totally rerolled and dropped my SVD, M4CCOSD, NVG, RFs basically everything on to a random roof in cherno, and rolled off the roof.

I'm wondering has anyone else experienced this humanity system at its worst? I log in and I'm at 0 humanity with a bandit 'skin'... after about 10 minutes of walking around it randomly changes me to a survivor 'skin'. Here is the first instance where this mechanic is poorly implemented (I know its Alpha), when the skin changes it changes my POV to 1st person, without warning my character magically changes outfit. Suddenly my character that once somehow magically concealed his back pack now has it on show. On top of that if it changes when my pistol (secondary) is out it will actually change to my primary weapon however the skin will remain the same (I had an M1911 out, skin changed... skin changed caused me to stand up , aggrod a zombie, aimed with my 'M1911' it ended up being a winchester that was fired, the gun skin remained the same until I swapped to my real M1911 and back to the winchester... by then I had aggrod every zombie possible within audible range inside Berezino.)

Secondly, Not a single server has managed to save my process as a character since changing to .5, by that I mean, zombie kills and headshots are not recorded and neither is humanity, so when I log back in... guess what I have that Bandit skin back on... It feels like I'm a ticking time bomb on when my skin will randomly change!

Furthermore, with the constant screw ups with this inherently bad inventory system arma 2 carries which obviously isn't designed for DayZs needs, is it really wise for Rocket/DayZ staff to implement such a system where the skin constantly back and forth at the same time people are having disappearing back packs, teleporting back packs and well constant fuck ups when they try and put alternative clothing on? Basicallly... Recently I found a camo suit, I put my back pack on the floor as most people are told to do to avoid the glitch, I then put the clothing on and wait... what the f!?!? The back pack has teleported onto my back!? Wtf... its also empty? So I developed a technique for myself that I haven't seen anyone else use which is I empty all the contents of my backpack onto a loot pile and then place the skin on with my backpack on and then put the loot back into my bag... so I found a work around...

On to the initial problem I have had with this Hero, Survivor and Bandit skin system, I found a bandit who had been killed near to where I had the glitch in part one of my post, before my skin changed I picked up this bandits Alice pack with goodies inside took what I wanted etc and had no problem... I carried on playing for some time before my skin changed (as described above)... I had found an AKM on his body so I had that ready for if shit hit the fan, when shit hit the fan and I needed something with better stopping power I opened my back pack... to find after my skin changed it changed my backpack to the starter coyote sack... wtf? Again... an unavoidable bug that will inevitible happen within 30 minutes of me logging onto a server... I would hate to have to shoot another human player because what, my skin is going to change mid combat I run a risk of my weapon changing and I also run a risk of losing everything in my back pack... but wait thats not it! The contents of my newly spawned Coyote sack were... stuff I dropped earlier on in the day and some stuff I had actually eaten... so this raises another question...

How long does the Hive actually take to update? Is this mod (in Alpha yes) even ready for this what on the front seems to be a very simple system but under neath is actually having to deal with very many aspects of the games. Is this what the mod will become when standalone is released at Alpha, will all dodgy changes be tested on this mod? I'm more than likely to get the standalone and probably for the main reason I believe it will be stable or more so compared to the mod...

So basically at the end what I wanted to sum up and ask...

1) Does anyone else suffer from this sort of activity

2) Do you like the skin changing system?

3) Do you think the skin system could be game breaking (Changing mid combat, or in my case in front of a swarm of zombies and changing my gun (but leaving the previous gun skin active))

4) Does anyone else suffer with back packs constantly deleting, not saving, duping items? A while ago I had an M249 that constantly duped for about 3 days on my character I couldn't get rid of it and ended up giving out like 6 M249s to friends along with ammo.

5) Do you think these sort of updates should wait until standalone is released (in my experience this mod cannot work with these updates, I'm not looking forward to dogs what so ever)

6) Do I look fat in this? Oh wait I've changed clothes again, what about n... oh wait...

7) Anyone else found that the Hive/Server you are on is no longer tracking your zombie kills/headshots/murders properly?

8) On a scale of 1/10 would you read again?

Thank you

Edit: Please insult my poor grammar and spelling mistakes, I was in a bit of a rush so I didn't proof read.

Edited by Mastiff

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10/10, didn't even read.

Female with towel wrapped around head. Legit.


You lie, you must of read it to know my last question was "would you read again on a scale of 1/10"....

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I do get the same skin change issue after playing a certain period of time. I just decided to start killing people and that way I stay at the bandit skin with no pack on. If you start murdering quick enough it never changes to civi skin and downgrades your pack.

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Ive done just that now' blasted any survivor ive come across including poor new spawns just to keep myself from having skin change problems. The problem is i only managed to get to -5000 after two kills as i was giving my mate blood transfusions and it kept going up

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The backpack issue clones the backpack.

For example change into ghillie with a coyote elite + as50 etc... you put your backpack on the floor and move away, change into ghillie to find you have an empty backpack. Drop this backpack and walk over to your old one and put it on, then you have a ghilli + coyote elite + as50 etc, and 2 feet away an empty coyote elite.

This needs to be fixed as if you have a load of clothing you can dupe backpacks for your team.

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I just found a backpack, The big one. Transfered my L85A2 TW to it and some ammo, and my skin changes from bandit to "survivor" and my backpack disapeared and Instead of having the big pack I had a beginner backpack. This is fuckin bullshit!

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I had the exact same thing, Running along with a big pack on and weapon inside it with 6 clips and a bandana, then it flicks to first person mode and iv lost my backpack its reset to the basic start off one, lost the contents and back to the standard survivor hat. WTF IS THIS HOTFIX FOR!

I just found a backpack, The big one. Transfered my L85A2 TW to it and some ammo, and my skin changes from bandit to "survivor" and my backpack disapeared and Instead of having the big pack I had a beginner backpack. This is fuckin bullshit!

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Last night a buddy and I spent about 4 hours trying to put a UAV back together. We found a high value industrial along with two mediums directly next to it. We farmed the area for vehicle parts until we had fully repaired the UAV and had spares incase we needed them. After grabbing our UAV we bagen to refuel the UAV at our location. We became immediately under fire from the hill overlooking our location. My buddy's lag was broke and was bleeding badly, I jumped into the car and drove around him while taking fire so that he could get inside the passenger seat safely. We booked it to a safe location and treated his wounds. We began our trek to where we store our tents/Vehicle on all servers that we bounce between. Battle eye comes up with a message saying server shutting down in two minutes for maintenace. Were both like "wow nice two minute warning" so we head towards some tree's and save his bike that we had picked up earlier and the UAV. server shuts down and comes back up a few minutes later. he logs in to find a Pickup truck with a few cans of food and pop inside it... Looks as though the reset gave us someone elses saved vehicle. Lost a ton of ammo.. 40+ Stanag and a ton of car parts/tent. And to top it all off I was transported back to the shore. I love this game to death.. but its driving me nuts.

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This is an easy fix. Only and I repeat, only use the 95883 patch.

It is the only one that doesn't have this issue.

You log in with a proper humanity reading and it doesn't bug out.

By the way, neither of the dudes posting pics are "bad boys."

You are both pups...



Someone murdered me in Elektro. Spawned in Otmel, and had my buddy drive to me. Picked up an M107 and 1 mag from the vehicle. Ran back to Elektro, sniped the guy with a bunch of my gear. As I was headed over to loot the body, I spotted a guy running toward the body I was about to loot, shot him as well. Turned into a bandit. Looted the body, getting my FN Fal, Coyote Backpack, and one AS50 on the guy I killed, and my old AS50 still on my body. Put both AS50's in my backpack along with the FN Fal in my inventory. Run back toward Otmel to give my friend one of the AS50's. Then my character turns back into a survivor, and returns my backpack to a patrol back, loosing both AS50's and my backpack. Pretty game breaking.

I was running and the 95388 patch.

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My humanity always returns to zero when i log back on. I havent had any backpack glitches ,YET! Also my zombie kill count and headshots always reset to 0. I have the hero skin currently, my humanity was around 5500 before it started buggin out.

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Yeah, I appreciate that they plopped this onto six updater now basically forcing all the servers I play on to update to this broken patch. Running at night with a glowstick, switches from bandit to survivor, lose the light, can't pick up another until I relog. Upon doing that, my body is duped and I can loot a copy of every thing, so that's cool that the game is exploiting for me. Also, this shitty hotfix was supposed to fix like 4 things, and it fucked up every single one; Ammo still refreshes on logout, artifacts are generally worse rather than fucking GONE, and the humanity thing is obviously broken. On top of everything, tents and vehicles don't save. Good thing I had plenty set up before the servers updated, now not only do they STILL DUPE MY GEAR when I run into cherno solo and die, but with I don't even need to worry that someone will empty them and save them, cause the save is broken.

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