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Stock Pile Weps / PVP !!!

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Hello, I have recently been playing DayZ for a few weeks now and I have a good understanding of the game now for the most part.

- I have a few goals in mind and am looking to bring 1 or 2 guys with me to make them happen.

A) I want to gather tents and set up shop on a main server of our choosing.

(I already have 1 server with cars and a ton of gear but I am looking to make a 2nd.)

B) I need skilled players that play smart and work well with me.

C) must have a mic/vent/skype

D) Must want to invade other servers to kill players and take their sh*t !!! PVP IS A MUST!!

If this sounds like something you would be into then let me know in this thread or by private message.

*** all meetings will be held on my terms and recruit must be mature and able to learn. ***

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