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Locking Server

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Is it okay to lock a server for 10 min to allow spaces for clan members?

This avoids kicking people etc.

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I imagine it would fall under the same rule as "Kicking for people" In other words, you're attempting to reserve a slot for a special player in your clan.

However I have no say in the matter so I could be entirely wrong, I hope a dev replies.

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Well, imho, kicking is forbidden because you basically p*ss off someone who's playing, probably with friends, and maybe had a hard time getting into a server he likes (plus maybe leaving him in an uncomfortable position or whatever). Locking a server (meaning : letting people leave but not join I guess ?) sounds like a more civil way of doing this to me.

But as Legacy said, don't take my words as a final answer, it's just my opinion.

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Well' date=' imho, kicking is forbidden because you basically p*ss off someone who's playing, probably with friends, and maybe had a hard time getting into a server he likes (plus maybe leaving him in an uncomfortable position or whatever). Locking a server (meaning : letting people leave but not join I guess ?) sounds like a more civil way of doing this to me.

But as Legacy said, don't take my words as a final answer, it's just my opinion.


Though it's reasonable, there's still an issue I see.

A lot of clans are very organised and very big. What I see happening is a server admin getting 30 friends into his 30 slot server, then all of them just farming items, so pretty much playing without consequences. If there wasn't global persistence it wouldn't be as much of an issue, but it isn't.

I know most admins just want to get a few of their friends in, but there's a minority of admins who just want to abuse any freedom.

Just my two cence ofc.

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My 2c, no its not. the problem is theres no way to dstinguish servers that are locked for that purpose and server that are locked for the purpose of letting selected players play without the interference of the annoying general public, that is why there seems to be a no locking rule. However on our server, after a restart people will be let in and after about 10 have joined it is locked for a couple of minutes until they get in game, then opened, rinse and repeat. I suppose the line is pretty narrow on what constitutes abuse so the rule is no locks.

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