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High ping 1000<

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Hello dear Community, i hope anyone of you can help me. I got since 2 weeks a problem.. Everytime im playing im getting 1000+ ping and its not my Internet. Im getting 0 downlaod and online 2 kbs upload... I hope anyone can hlep me i changed already the dll of the battleye, reinstalled it new reistalled six reistalled arma 2 ad dayz (got newest patches)...

Realy since 2 weeks i cant play 25 euro for nothing :(((( I hope anyone can help me.


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no, you payd 25 euros for arma 2, not dayZ. so try to play that. But anyway try to close everything that uses interet (browser, torrents and so on...)

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I'm having this same problem. My internet connection is just great. No other programs running (besides the usual, anyway) but for any server with more than 5 players my ping is guaranteed to be above 100. This is a stark contrast to my usual experience with Dayz, where I could expect pings in the 20-70ms range. It's been a month or so since the last time I played, so I can't give an exact time that the problem began, but I first observed it when I tried to load up the game yesterday for the first time since being away. The fact that Shadixx is having the same issue, in a similar time frame, suggests that there's something strange going on.

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Yeah I HAD this same problem but for me worked to update game with DayZ Commander and from Six Launchers options unticked Update beta patch. No problems after that. Hope it help you guys :D

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My friend who just bought Arma 2: CO is having the same problem with DayZ.

While I'm waiting in the lobby, I can see his ping always spike up to 400-600ms ALWAYS.

We both know it's not his internet also or his computer because Arma2 multiplayer runs very smoothly.

He was able to play smoothly when he first got it but it just happened suddenly. Also not just in one server, we joined multiple servers.

Edited by Shade
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Adding myself to this so people can see its not just them

Last 3 or 4 days my ping has started to creep over 100 from a usual 15 to 25. Not sure if it has something to do with a new update or beta patch.

Like most here i only have dayz running.

At times i get no Zombies or no zombe aggro and no loot spawning anyway..not even an empty can

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