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Jex =TE= (DayZ)

Overwatch pays Off

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TL:DR? Then why the fuck are you on a forum then you numbnut!

Had a great session of DayZ last night at NE Airfield. Me and two mates have found that blue car (S1203 or something - we're calling it Herbie for now lol) and we've been driving around the map looking for gear so we decided to head to the NE Airfield. Being 3 of us I decided to cover them from a nearby hill with a CZ550. So I don my Ghillie suit and find a small rubble wall with a low fir tree close by and set up between the two. I'm down the hill enough that I'm not skylining myself and hoping the tree and wall are enough to make me look like a part of them.

So I'm sat up there and really not expecting anyone to be up here with us since there's maybe 8 people on the server and we make up 3 of these. I was even going to say "screw this" and run down but I decided to stay and cover my friends. I check the map and guesstimate the distance to the Hangars and dial in 700M. My first mate drives the car down to the end hangar and gets out to start checking it out. My other friends is nearer the control tower. So I'm just sat there, scanning around and realising just how shit the view distance is (which means providing effective overwatch is going to be limited).

Next thing I hear is my mate calling out he's been shot. The guy that shot him must have been running to the hangars at exactly the same time he was making his way there. So now my sights are firmly over the dead body of my buddy and a minute later, the assailant shows up crouching over him to check his gear. I line up my shot, the sight is moving a little (very noticable at this distance) and I take the shot. I can't tell if I hit him, I see a blood splash but my friends body is between us so it could have hit either and at this range, it's hard to tell. So I fire off a few more shots, the guy gets up, I see blood pouring out of him and he runs to the back of the hanger. I take another shot though I can't tell if I hit him or not and it all goes quiet.

Meanwhile my other mate is running up there. I watch and wait and 30 seconds later, they guy is back in the corner of the hanger (He must have thought the shot came from some other place because he's right in my sights again) He stops, I shoot and hit him again so he starts bandaging himself right there - I couldn't believe it so I keep firing and I see him go down. I line up to shhot him and "click" out of ammo. I used up 10 shots trying to get this guy, I know I got at least 4 on him so not the greatest accuracy ever but mission accomplished (it's hard to see where the shots land at that distance and whilst I've sniped in Arma1, this was my first PvP snipe in Arma2 soo I was happy)

So I'm telling my mate to get up there and put 2 in his head because I can't tell if this guy is dead and know he can get up at anytime and a G17 ain't gonna cut it at 700m. So he gets up there and puts some rounds in him then goes to the body of our fallen comrade in an attempt to secure his gear into "Herbie" - our first mistake. Next thing I know he's down - there's another guy there and probably this guy's overwatch. So I'm like "Fuck! I have a pistol and I have both my mates down there dead, their gear and our Car - fuck it it's do or die"

So I get up, circle around the hill and start running towards the hangars keeping them between me and where I think this guy is (I have no idea if he's really close or really far). I reach the hangars and just leg it inside. I have a quick careful peak through the scope but can't see anything so I decide to try and salvage our gear. I run to the car, drop my shit in it as bullets whiz over my head (fortunately this guy isn't a very good shot, or he's so far away he's made it impossible for himself). I go back, get one other mates gear and jump into Herbie as I can't bear the thought of loosing him. I know one day we will but he's become like a 4th member of our team and does a pretty good job cross country and has a great boot/trunk.

I drive south, hide the car, grab my AK Cobra and run back. The next 20 minutes is me laying down, watching over the dead body of our third mate whilst they respawn and run back to where I am. I'm by the 2nd hanger and I have zombies all around me. I'm expecting to get shot in the back because I'm thinking this guy might discon and server hop to get behind me but it's deathly quiet. In the end we get most of out gear back (we didn't lose anything that valuable) and I had the best moment of my DayZ lives.

Thanks to the guy I killed for not disconnecting in the fight and taking ur death like a man. Thanks for being enough of a douche too that by killing my mate, you died and lost ALL your gear (you could have waited 10 minutes for us to leave and new gear would have spawned and FYI - there was fuck all of any value there anyway except a smoke grenade. We actually found car parts of various descriptions which was the best find up there and only useful to us since we had a car). That was a lot of fun for me :)

Dunno what happened to the sniper, never heard another shot from him again and we have everything back and are on the way to another random spot on the map. This time we'll be a lot more tactical in our approach and I'll get in some practice on the ranges...


Edited by Jex =TE=
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U can mildly settle your sights on a scoped rifle by holding the right mouse button. Doesnt settle them completely but at long ranges it gives a brief second or two to take your shot before the sights start to move again. Great read, glad you got a fantastic dose of PvP and that you and you m8s took your kills and deaths like men. I hate hearing about Alt+F4ing and Ghosting just to get a piece of shit gear. Good luck out there hope that info on Sniping was helpful. Cheers M8

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nice... never had the chance to snipe anyone till death... last night i shot a guy and he disconnected... happens most of times when you miss the one shot one kill rule.

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Nice story :) and good job dude. rock on.

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I died once at the north dam, respawned by electro and did a loot run(took 30 mins). Then made the trip up north to try and get my body stopping at deerstands on the way took about 2hrs total and my body was still there.

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