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How to move as a Bandit?

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What's the best vehicle to use as a bandit? I personally like the bike as its quiter and easier to hide.

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a car is best , People wont see if ur a bandit or not so they MAYBE wont shoot immediatly and u have much more cover then a bike or ATV ,

cars are also faster such as the white pickup and have more space to carry :)

only + of a bike is u can dodge stuff

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Try and go for something more quiet. I got attacked by two bandits in (I think a red Skoda) and I heard and saw them before they saw me, so I had some time to plan it out if things got choppy (and it sure as hell did). End of the day, I had enough gear to supply the Spec Ops, a totaled car, one dead bandit, the other Alt F4'd, and me needing painkillers.

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I roll with a bus, honking the horn as I tear ass through the middle of Cherno.

LOL, i like too see that, haha :D

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How many people do you roll with? Depends on how many people you roll with to figure out which vehicle is best for you.

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I roll with a bus, honking the horn as I tear ass through the middle of Cherno.

Seriously i did the exact same thing once! I died and found a Bus a few minutes later. Was a bitch to get it out between two trees but damn it was fun.

Driving through the big cities honking like an idiot... driving over people. Visiting Balota airfield to get my revenge with style.

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So far I've tried the hatchback, pick-up, atv, bicycle, and dirt bike.

Bicycle is my favorite - quiet, fast, doesnt use fuel, repairs itself, and with a little practice on the controls you can gun through forests at full speed.

I've got a dirt bike with red rims and flames on the fueltank which would be a close second, albiet for the badass factor.

Also from the little experience I have, it seems like the bicycle and motorbike wheels have a smaller hitbox (maybe the tyre?) than the 4+ wheel vehicles.

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Thanks for all the help! I roll with nobody my friends are normal survivors though I'm trying to convert them...

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