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LU6 Shutting down permanently on august 17th.

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Helle everyone,

I am the server admin for LU6 provided by FRAK-clan.com and hosted by Vilayer.

We will not renew our server hosting with vilayer due too there lack of support and general unprofessional behaviour (24/7 support vanished, tickets stay unresponded, downtime, lack of communication in regards to updates,...these all are the main reasons). The current rentperiod will end on the 17th of august.

Another main reason is that the server hosting rules put forth by the DayZ team limit us server admins way too much to fight the hackers and exploiters and can't provide an environment for me and my friends to play in. I understand there need to be rules to prevent further exploiting and abuse but the generalisation because of a few 'bad apples' is beyond me.

Give server admins more freedom to actually manage their servers by letting them i.e. password protect their server and letting them thus manage the population on there server. There could be a whole new aspect to the game this way in terms of managed bandit/survivor population on servers. Like a real RPG. I would do bandit and survivor recruitment via our FRAK website. In that way I could create a i.e. 50/50 population server between bandits and survivors actually creating an enjoyable place for me and my friends and potential new members. Most importantly the hackers would not be able to get in and ruin everyone's game by some keystrokes and nuke, spawn, mass-kill, teleport, godmode the hell out of OUR server.

Another reason is the lack of end game content like for example base building, fortification and take-over of cities, 'community buiding' (building wells, creating small food farms for locking up animals for later slaughter maybe even breeding, making food storage facilities and storage buildings in general, vehicle garages and workshops,...).

The only end-game base building we got atm is barbwire, sandbags and beartraps but these get deleted after a week so there goes ythe only end game content :(

Thank you for reading this, I hope something positive comes forth out of this.

P.S.: Thank you Rocket for an initially fun and renewing game mod but things are way too 'rampant' for me to invest more money into this at the moment. I really enjoyed DayZ alot as my steam record can prove (700+ hours spent on it).

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Been on your sever a few times o/ keep your head down and always have beanz! ;)

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your endgame suggestions sound fun to me

I got alot more ideas but I don't bother putting them on the suggestion forum cos thats like fighting a tsunami with a bucket :P

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Ha I've heard nothing but crap about ViLayer.. HFB has really fast response time..If you decide to keep one up give them a shout. I have one over there, but it's not currently on because the hive is terrible, and I am not going to leave a server up that isn't being admin'd

Edited by gwbrewer

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Another reason is the lack of end game content like for example base building, fortification and take-over of cities, 'community buiding' (building wells, creating small food farms for locking up animals for later slaughter maybe even breeding, making food storage facilities and storage buildings in general, vehicle garages and workshops,...).

The only end-game base building we got atm is barbwire, sandbags and beartraps but these get deleted after a week so there goes ythe only end game content :(

This sounds like Minecraft.

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Ha I've heard nothing but crap about ViLayer.. HFB has really fast response time..If you decide to keep one up give them a shout. I have one over there, but it's not currently on because the hive is terrible, and I am not going to leave a server up that isn't being admin'd

they only do servers in the USA and I live in Europe so the ping would be awfull

Edited by Filip VDM

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Mine went down yesterday as the guys who fund it have had enough if the hackers, exploiters and glitches.

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OP I'm sorry to hear you're taking the server down however, there are private hives offered by Vilayer which would solve almost all of the concerns you posted aside from glitches. You must keep in mind that you are bashing a successful company for your experience in an Alpha stage game. Their response time and 24/7 support has in fact been under 4 hours, they don't have a dispatch team as they aren't a life line. This mod has brought an influx of customers and problems their way, please don't say your server provider is the reason you took down your server. The reasoning could very well have stemmed from a lack of support however, let's be honest... you're upset because you chose dayzdev rules over your own.

Break the rules not the laws...

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