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Multiple Problems with my game

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The .pbo and .Bisign files stay together in the same folder !

Stay out of the Default "addons" folder, the addons folder in the root of the arma directory, dont chang anything in that folder.

The message you get has to do with some pbo files not correct or even completly missing.

I suggest a fresh install from scratch, make sure to remove everything fist.

Start by installing only the Arma2 game, then make sure the game plays, test it, play a mission or some for a couple of seconds.

When you start the game for thye first time chack the version it is running now when you come to the first arma screen, the version should be somewhere in the right corner.

When you are sure arma2 is running and ok, start updating that game with the official patches on the official Arma site.

Then test again, only then you start installing Operation Arrowhead, here the same story, after install test if it is working and then update that game with the official patches( arrowhead is more of an expansion then its own game)

If the 2 games tart and work , then try to start them as 1 game, the so called combined operations version of the game.

If that is working only then start fooling around with the dayz mod. The dayz mod is just a collection of pbo and bisign files that go into an "addons" folder inside a @Dayz folder in the root of the arma directory.

If that is done only then you can start the Combined operations shortcut with a little extra parameter in that startup shortcut thingy.

The exact startup parameter setting i do not at hand here, but you should be able to figure that out.

Don't start just deleting or altering directory layouts and such, this will only break your game.

The only folders which are of interest of us are the new created @dayz folder and the original "Key" folder in the root of arma.

The key's folder houses the security keys of the pbo files, if used, i think Dayz does not use this tho so maybe you can even forget about the "key" folder.

PS. i do not have a steam install, i have DvD's from the shop. But the install should not be that different, i only think you are able to update your game true steam, that way you probably do not have to download the correct game patches manually.

Edited by Allie
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Thanks very much, I've just un installed and am beginning to re download now.

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