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Xilver (DayZ)

Looking for fellow EU survivors

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I've been a lone wolf for the couple of weeks. Got me most of the high-end gear already by soloing on low-pop servers, but now I'd like to venture out to see more of the map, since I've always been around Elektro and Cherno out of fear of losing my gear. I've got a friend who's coming back from holiday sometime this week, and he's going to start playing as well.

I'm based in Belgium, so European servers are a must. I mostly play in the evenings from 9 or 10 pm until midnight or sometimes 1 am. I'm 32 years old, I'd prefer to team up with someone who is mature, who is a teamplayer, and has a good tactical sense.

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I'd love to join you, have been soloing as well, i do not have very much good gear.. just died on my longest life so far so right now my best mate is my M16A2 ^^

if you want to play, then i guess we will be skyping or teamspeaking right? :)

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Hi there, you're more than welcome to join the guys we have in our community. We're the BSB Network, a social gaming community of mature gamers. We are not a clan (although we have our own in-house clan and have several clans/groups within our community). THere are no requirement or commitments, all we ask is that you have a bit of common sense and play fair. We use TS3 for coms and have our own server that is always populated with groups.

We have some mroe dedicated and organised fire teams for those who are up for more tactical play but for the most part people are welcome to just turn up and play with our groups as and when they like. More details can be found at our website www.bsbnetwork.com

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Hello, I'm from Ukraine and I'm 24 yo. Would love to play with english-speaking players to practice my English. Skype: q88_davik

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Yah, I would be glad to join you in your quest for survival. 27 years old from germany and I seem to have the same time scedule as you do.

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i'm also tired of lonewolfing. 33 years, living in the netherlands, mostly play after 22:00h, in the weekend i often play the whole night. add me

my steam: thedevilm8me

my skype: tigrau69

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