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Group Mode - Fight for resourses.

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What about another game mode, such as Group Survival.

When you login to a server, there are two groups, The two groups have to survive, avoid zombies, eat as normal ...whilst avioding each other or Fighting in towns and so on.

This could be a game mode that clans and communities are attracked to, for example : we have another clan that we trust and could play on a closed server and basically have a ongoing war / survival game with...this could gon on for weeks. Group survival would be great addon to the game and add so much for clans and communities.

If the server was open, and public. the server could just choose the players side and thereofore reducing the number of pointless kills, your less likely to kill a guy on your side.

Other options could be added to the game for group communications....and map options.

I'm sure there would be alot of other features that could be added to this. This would be essentially the same game ethos.

Let me know what people think ?

Edited by resin

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I think it would only be necessary for them to implement some kind of message board system or communications system.. If they did that, there's no reason why you couldn't just do what you're suggesting anyway.. I don't think there's any need for a 'new game mode'

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Add squad identification mechanics.

And allow players to synchronize their GPS.

Players already form their own squads. All we need to do is enhance that capability. Limiting it to two sides, forcing players to "choose" on login, etc. are all unecessary and artificial restrictions. Players should be free to form as many or as few factions as they want, and join and leave them as they will. No need to build up an elaborate system around it in my opinion.

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I understand what your saying from a public play, point of view. As a clan its alway nice to see a version that is aimed at teams and with structure.

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