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Looking for People to Play DayZ With!

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What servers do you play at, anyway?

I guess i can tag along one day or another, if just for a change of pace.

Skype : s.t.worca

steam : Stworca

GMT+1, but i don't have a high ping on US servers either.

Edited by Stworca

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nvm, necro T_T

Edited by Epi8

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The first post was back in August, but I just hope its still alive, Im in the same boat as the Original Poster, I love playing Day Z but on my own it gets a little lonely, I play with 2 other players but they aren't on as frequent as me, Im a UK player, I can play most days from early hours of 1pm UK time to the extent of 2am my time, thats about 8pm/9pm in the US, I think, I am not entirely sure bit I'd love to come play with you guys, oh also forgot to say, I am strictly fun dude, I wont come on if you ask me to raid a bandit camp at 0800 hours and I honestly cant bring much to the team, I am a looter but the moment the bullets fly, don't rely on me, I'm a bad shot, but I carry medical supplies and help people out, so I guess thats my role, xD Hm, maybe me explaining it is why I never get invited to stuff, xD well my Day Z In-game name is Alex but I do have skype and if you type in Skype name " conconconz " thats me also, I hope to hear from you guys.

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hey everyone been looking for ppl to play with on breaking point servers but im open to others as well just the sound mods in breaking point are amazing compared to the orginals lol my friend just left for the army so i have no more dayz friends to play with u can add me on skype or steam if anyone wants to X)



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