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GrIfFiN (DayZ)

Contacting specified server admin

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How is it possible to contact some specified server admin? Is there some kind of server/admin list? I need to contact UK4 admin Greg, since I got some issues with this server.

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I'll signpost him to you when he's online this evening.

Care to elaborate what your issues are? (If it's a "Connecting Failure" error when attempting to join, this is a known issue with NAT routing that he's working on).

Edit: Looking at your posts you seem to be Russian, so I guess you might also be falling foul of the ping limit of 200ms.

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Milney Yes, I'am from Russia. I used to play on this server and it was fine, my ping was around 100, but today, when I tryed to join it, on a "receiving data" screen I got disconnected from this server, and with any further join attempts, it was saying "Connection failure". Look... I got a UAZ here. And I got some plans about it. :) So I need to join this server, with whatever ping there is.

And I will be most thankfull, if you tell Greg to contact me!

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Yeah, the connection failure has been affecting a few people (myself included).

It's an issue with the NAT routing - my only work around is to swap across to my other Broadband Connection (different ISP) and it seems to work. Obviously not everyone can do this - Greg had managed a workaround, but after one of the restarts this morning it seems to be broke again.

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for gate keeping Mr Milney.

The ping limits have been off for a couple of days, and there have been no player restrictions and I have no one in my ban list (that i've banned).

Can I suggest you PM me your details, maybe steam name and i'll add you so we can figure out what's going on.

Look forward to having you back in! (I've seen you around, but you've never seen me :P)

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