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My experience of Day Z so far

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Hi all, after reading the countless posts about how hackers and game-breaking glitches ruin this game, I thought I'd share my own experience. I haven't found it nearly as awful as some people would have us newbies believe! (It isn't all peaches and flowers though either...)

This is a long post so scroll down to the bottom for TL;DR.

Heard some amazing things about Day Z and I really liked the look for Arma 2 aswell. Brilliant graphics and I love the whole open world thing. I was a bit put off from buying it at first because I was reading through these forums and the sheer volume of posts about hackers, glitches, bugs and everything else was a bit overwhelming... I decided to go for it anyway, after all I'd still have Arma 2 even if Day Z was as unplayable as I thought it might be.

Spent a good 4 hours installing Day Z and getting it to work. First I was having issues with BattlEye, constantly getting disconnected and kicked, and then I was having issues with the loading screen just freezing and not loading at all. Eventually after messing around with a few files and reading some posts I managed to get it working.

First 10 seconds of the game, whilst I was in awe and admiration of the sights and sounds of the coast after seeing it for the first time, I started to levitate then I got teleported high into the clouds with all the other players. Then dropped. Quite annoying and quite worrying.

I then got disconnected and it would NOT work at all. BattlEye would disconnect the second I would get into the game. After messing with some router settings (DGN1000) I managed to solve that and it now works fine.

Second game (and since then) I've had a much better experience. I've been playing for a few days now and haven't actually seen any players at all so haven't had to worry about getting killed or anything (but it has been a bit lonely), and I haven't had any more issues with hackers. Last night I experienced my first major graphic glitch though, which was almost like a huge white pyramid zig zagging across my screen as I was trying to find a gap in a fence. Lasted about a minute then just disappeared. I've also experienced zombies appearing then disappearing instantly when I first log into a game.

I would say I've had more grief from the zombies than glitches and hackers, there is nothing more terrifying than a Z bashing your head in and screaming down your ear whilst you think you're hidden and stealthy.

So yeah, all in all I'm really enjoying it, and if you're thinking of buying Arma 2 for this mod but you're a bit unsure... Just buy it. If you're unhappy with Day Z, then go play Arma 2 and get your money's worth from that. I'm still a newb and I've just managed to find my first compass and map, and I have nothing but a hatchet to fight zombies, but if you'd like to team up then add me up on Skype: metallicazza.

TL;DR: Rough time getting Day Z to work, but once on, only had small issues with hackers, and graphic glitches aren't nearly as frequent as people make out. If you're thinking of giving Day Z a go but are a bit unsure because of the above issues, then go for it. Judge for yourself. Arma 2 is a great game aswell.

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tl;dr but i understand what youre getting at. i rarely get most of the issues people rage about so much on the forums besides a lot of lag but im pretty sure thats my shitty processor

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dude,never give up your hatchet for a gun :P it's fucking awesome :P

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Nice one Aaron.

The game has been a bitch to configure recently but they are making progress and eventually it should be stable.

Glitches are not as bad or are gone entirely. Hackers are a random chance and they will be gone soon enough.

Good to see you had a positive experience and when you do have a bad one just grit your teeth and bear with it. The pay out is much better the more you put in.

All the best!

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I had a mare getting it to work also, followed countless YouTube vids and I'm still not 100% sure why DayZcommander worked in the end, when it hadn't before.

Your right about it being lonely but then I guess that is more "realistic", most folk shoot on sight so I hit the deck when I see them. It's about 50-50 on those I've met, killed or helped. Those that helped never stayed around for long, can't say I blamed them. Got done by a hacker that wasn't even in the room with me last night which pissed me off no end.

It is fun, it is hard work for various reasons that shouldn't be even there but it's a mod after all. As for the rest, life is cheap....

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I really suggest staying on low populated server for now with about 5-15 people in them, I have noticed hackers mostly tend to go for the 30/40+ pop. servers. And if you need any in-game help feel free to shoot me a Forum PM.

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