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Farthest distance you have crawled with broken legs?

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I crawled from a little east of novy sobor to the hospital in cherno. I came across 2 crashed helicopters along the way, but all I really got from them was a M249 and a bunch of ammo for it. I had really hoped for some medical supplies. When I got close to the hospital I spotted a sniper in the apartment across the street from it. I waited him out and he eventually left, taking most of the near by zombies with him. I crawled in to the hospital and found some morphine. I could hear flies buzzing, but I didn't want to push my luck any more. I grabbed a couple more morphine and got the hell out of Dodge.

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I took about 45 minutes crawling my sorry ass corpse back to Elektro.

I derped once, and broke my leg while out of morphine at some barn, Zeds got my leg and luck was against me, but I forgot which one. I crawled south over the fields and ended up north of Elektro. So probably a barn north of Elektro.

I decided to take the careful approach, and avoided any contact, and waited for nighttime so i could easily crawl pass any Zeds, I made it to the hospital, got morphine, and ofcourse quickly got some more for later.

Then I legged it straight out again, because I heard gunshots and didn't have anything good on me but a 1911 and a Lee Enfield.

It was day 3 or so, and I still live, I'm on Day 8 now, not making that mistake again.

Edited by Dantevortex

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I have never crawled more than 5 meters with my leg broken. I've always had one or more morphine with me. If I didnt have any morphine, then my buddy had.

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Vyshnoye to the northwest airfield, looted Stary Sobor on the way.

Found no morphine until I got to the second or third hangar down the line in NWAF.

Your servant,


Edited by weld

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Personally about 3km....which ended in being molested by Zeds just as I reached the hospital :huh: ...was the first and last time I will ever let it happen though. Has never happened since because im almost OCD now about carrying two of every type of healing item (plus cooked meat instead of blood bags as I travel alone). I would suggest if you are ever in a situation where you have to crawl that far for first aid that you just stash your gear then respawn and go back for it. If you are worried about loosing stuff on the ground then make several fireplaces (you get 8 slots for each one) in a well hidden area and use them to store everything but your primary, which you will just need to hope doesn't get swallowed.

Edited by Fortran

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oh man i love this topic. my second spawn. i was north north west of cherno in a barn outside of koslova or w/e, i was there for water and loot. i had a hatchet. and what i thought at the time was a decent kit. can of food, soda water bottle, toolbox combat knife bandages, painkillers heatpack chem lights in 3 colors and road flares a SMOKE GRENADE! imsure i had a couple more things like a empty bottle and several kinds of ammo in case i find a gun.

so i go into this barn...i go up this srair thing. i go up another srair thing, holy smokes its a rifle a lee enfield, AND ammo. im so happy, i turn sround and see 3 zombies kinda haning out slowly coming up the stairs. i start shooting and moving....right off the edge and into a knocket out state bleeding and broken and still 1 zombie and no more ammo. was the evening time, getting dark. i lost a lot of blood. hatcheyed the last zombie bandage myself and start crawling towards the coast. i hit cherno. now mind you ive never been in cherno nor do i know at the time what a hospital looks like. but thru the fields i crawled with 2000 health or so. passing out. shaking, black and white. i stop and look over the few bldgs i can see. i see a ladder or two thinking i can pull myself u and see things better from a higher vantage.... so amazingly i climb for a bit and end up on top of a good sized bldg with a bunch of junk and pallets and what looks like boxes....i crawl over to a box and its freeking med supplies!!!!! holy sokes BLOODBAGS! epi pens? bandaids and painkillers galore, i drop all the crap and stock up on meds. i shoot myself with some morphine and a shot of a epipen. or tried i forget i did realize it didnt do anything for the shakes, i try a blood bag hmmm nothing. i alt tab and i finally break down and look up how to replace blood in dayz, and find out food (i knew) didnt know i could hunt. or a blood transfusion. from another P L A Y E R.

well i alt back to the game. look around find the water, and decide that church looking bldg might be a good place i recall churches having loot.

and i duck dodge and make my way there. didnt encounter or alert a single zombie or player. i go inside the church, feeling like a boss, and i find a 1911 and some mags, i find a MAP yessss! and then i find some food and sodas, im good to go right im out of there headed to the water and then east........look at my map make my bearings.....and go back to game, only to see some greenhaired monster creeping in the dorrs lift a crazy looking space riles thing and blows me away.

so i didnt crawl as far as some, but i was so new to the game, the discovery and murder (my first spawn was in kosovo or w/e and i ran right into the town and really didnt think the zombies were that bad or that having no weapon would get me killed in a house like that, when they didnt even knock a few times before busting thru the two doors im behind bleeding and scared. i didnt live long past gearing up with a med kit. i learned so many lessons that first play through.

Dont feed the zombies!

dont talk to the zombies!

dont look at the zombies !

dont touch them, dont make noises around them,just fking avoid them.

find a hatchet! find bandages! find food and drink!

dont swim stuff floats away from you!

dont alert the zombies! they never stop chasing you down the beach road train tracks!

head for the hills zombies dont like hills, or bus shelters, OR DOCKS the stupid meatsacks plain dont like those docks they line up like dominos.

dont walk off the third step it will break a leg just like your parents always told you, "dont jump off the stairs!"

you can crawl faster sideways crab style and also, rolling makes you dizzy and give you a headache.

passing out right as you crouch stand with a broken leg to kill a zombie you hope has food..... not good when you are low on blood.

avoid zombies or distract them with flares. stay the hell out of out houses. you cant fit inside to hide. and the flimsy salt water laden air rotted door will break your leg.

buzzing flies means lootable corpse.

and the most important lesson. dont trust noone avoid strangers! and watch the towns from the treeline. youll find the impatient snipers fairly quickly they cant stand still for long.

lol enjoy! i had a great time that night the first night i played.

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I dropped my backpack in the Control Tower at the NE Airfield to pick up an ALICE Pack, and doing it broke BOTH my legs !

The dropped backpack (containing morphine) disappeared.

Can't crawl down stairs, used the ladder.

Made it to Berenzino only for the military artefacts glitch making it impossible to go there.

On to Cherno, break the hozzy window, raped by Zombie, try to ABORT out of server only to accidentally click on RESPAWN !!! Arrrggghhhh !!

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Komarovo to Cherno.

I had a friend with me and it was the middle of the night. I just picked him up on the coast after he had died. Zombie smacked me and snapped my legs like a twig. Thankfully after an hour and half or so of crawling with my buddy covering me. We made it to cherno got the morphine and got out. Don't remember when I died but it wasn't for a few days after the adventure so I think it was worth it. Was bloody nerve wracking dodging zombies in the dark purely by the sound of their grunts and moans.

I am always under the idea of "Never click respawn". This is your life, treat it as if its your only one, deal with it until the game kills you. Don't take the easy way out. Besides if you survive, you may just have one hell of an adventure to tell others.

But then I get into the role of the game because its so immersive. So it really depends on you, if you don't think its worth it or fun then just respawn. Remember its a game and if your not having fun, why are you playing.

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