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Loss of items and a bunch of other crap

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I have been playing for 2 weeks. First week learning the ropes second week been alive for days, played for hours and hours. After the usual hour hour and a half of trying to find a server (I know this is alpha I thank the folks for letting us play it is a great game but) I finally get on with no ammo but I still have a mackarov, fine I'll use the hatchet (mac draws zoms for a mile away in the middle of a field for me I don't know mebe I'm cursed), I dropped my alice pack (with tons of food and drink collected for a week) and it's gone. I log back on now I have no ammo or pistol or backpack or hatchet or food WTF. In 2 weeks I was having an awesome time now every time I eventually log on I have less stuff. I've had no problems computer wise (cept for hour and a half to get on) now I'm screwed. I guess I should just do like all the other peeps that live for 5 minutes running to buildings that don't have any doors and die. I've had no problem with hackers (I try to be picky about the servers I get on) just all of a sudden it SUCKS. I'm ranting and flaming and crying and whatever else you wanna call me but F@#$! I just had to vent. I've been trying to get some friends to play but after last night screw it. I have a wookie suit, laying in the middle of a field in bushes a mile from any stucture (crawled on my belly like a reptile to get there), paused to take a leak and I hear 2 zoms chompin on me from the head WTF? I have a map (my first one ever) and every day I look at it it has new vulgar sayings on it ( I find them humorous) and X's all over it in the shape of organs, every day is different. WTF? I can't figure how I could play for 2 weeks with no problems then everything falls apart and I'm beating my head on the table. Flame me if you want I'm done.

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put in a bug report about the loss of items. and keep testing.

Oh wait you were just playing to have fun my bad.

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I've been playing the game for nearly a month and all my lost items are due to my own stupid inventory management fuck ups. I've only witnessed a handful of hacking incidents (albeit I play late nights), and have had very few connection problems. I have been transported back to the beach a few times, but I know it's because I log off during stuck loading screens.

All in all, pretty fucking amazing experience for an alpha! Consider the stand alone as good as purchased.

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Right on. Yeah I got over the anger after a couple days of heavy drinkin. Now I'm back up with supplies and a CZ550 and crawling thru bushes to hunt snipers. Das right, keep an eye in the backs of yer heads you effin delta bravos eyez gunnin for yeh.

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